
Graduate Outcomes

The innermost Framework layer presents the graduate outcomes that all students are required to demonstrate by legislation, irrespective of discipline and award type or level. These derive from Standard 1.4.2 of the :

The specified learning outcomes for each course of study encompass discipline-related and generic outcomes, including:

  1. Specific knowledge and skills and their application that characterise the field(s) of education or disciplines involved
  2. Generic (or transferable) skills and their application in the context of the field(s) of education or disciplines involved
  3. Knowledge and skills required for employment and further study related to the course of study, including those required to be eligible to seek registration to practise where applicable, and
  4. Skills in independent and critical thinking suitable for life-long learning.

The TEQSA Guidance Note on Course Design (2017, p. 2) elaborates on the Standards:

"The Standards require achievement of different classes of learning outcomes (see Standard 1.4.2) including specific, generic, employment-related and life-long learning outcomes, and that all learning outcomes are assessed prior to completion of the course of study, irrespective of how and where they are assessed (Standard 1.4.4)."