
Agriculture Technology and Adoption Centre (AgTAC)

Agriculture Technology and Adoption Centre (AgTAC)

The Agriculture Technology and Adoption Centre (AgTAC) provides world-leading research in agriculture technology through fostering collaborations across traditional disciplines and faculty boundaries.

Who we are

It is AgTAC’s intent to lead the innovation and adoption of technologies in the Northern Australia agriculture sector by leveraging knowledge and creativity, working closely in true partnering arrangements with local and global stakeholders to solve industry-relevant problems.  By collaborating directly with the agricultural industry AgTAC ensures that digital technologies are fit-for purpose, are more accessible and are adopted by end users.

AgTAC logo

Engage with progress

AgTAC aims to lead innovation and adoption of technologies in the Northern Australia, tackle industry relevant issues and remain globally competitive in a changing climate.

Collaborating with researchers and industry stakeholders across continents, our current projects work to incorporate the latest in innovative agricultural technology to improve outcomes across the regions.

We are currently focused on projects in the following areas:

  • Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Internet of Things and Sensors Systems
  • Advanced Manufacturing – Rapid Design, Prototype & Test

Both our industry partners and our 番茄社区 researchers benefit from the connections forged amongst AgTAC project members. Our cooperation has promoted both innovation and sustainable progress within agriculture, as the industry grapples with a changing environment and way of life.

Discover our current projects and hear directly from our teams to witness the improvements we’re making and learn how you can become involved.

View current projects
Lucy Gardner in the field with a drone.

Innovate with AgTAC

Discover opportunities to collaborate with AgTAC researchers, engage with our results and findings and learn more about our ongoing work.