
Blended Learning Showcase

Blended Learning - Peter Jones

Peter Jones is a lecturer in Social Work with the College of Arts, Society and Education. In this video, Peter discusses strategies to support students’ knowledge and skill development, including:

  • Knowing the learners, and considering their demographics
  • Engaging students in their learning by connecting them with peers and staff
  • Providing opportunities for students to learn in different ways and collaborate with each other
  • Providing regular feedback
  • Using online tools to engage those studying externally, and
  • Using technology to communicate with students and introduce key concepts.

Peter's strategies demonstrate the following 番茄社区 Standards for Blended and Online Subject Design:

Standard 1: Curriculum and learning materials are aligned, available and engaging


  • Select content that is aligned to learning outcomes
  • Select content to support different learning styles
  • Ensure subject design includes guidance for learners to work with content in meaningful ways
  • Use a variety of Learn番茄社区 tools to engage students with course content
  • Include teacher-created video to identify key points/focus areas or highlight threshold concepts (max. 10 minutes)

Key first year indicators:

  • Provide explicit guidance on how to use learning resources within Learn番茄社区 (site map, location of assessment, learning activities, collaboration tools)

Standard 2: Assessment tasks are aligned, available and engaging, including formative assessment


  • Use a variety of assessment types that ensure academic integrity according to 番茄社区 Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy core principle 5
  • Provide assessment for learning opportunities in all subjects including the use of diagnostic tools, peer assessment, multiple attempt quizzes, etc.

Standard 3: Students are provided with opportunities to interact with peers


  • Ensure face-to-face teaching provides opportunities for students to collaborate and develop a sense of belonging through active learning and group activities
  • Provide collaboration opportunities and develop a sense of belonging through active learning and group activities
  • Use online discussion tools in a purposeful manner

Standard 4: Students are provided with opportunities to interact with staff


  • Provide explicit guidance about the purpose and nature of various face-to-face learning experiences
  • Provide synchronous support options of up to two hours per week for external students

Key first year indicators:

  • Maintain regular contact online using just-in-time strategies
  • Utilise Learning Analytics to proactively identify students in need of support to enable resources to be provided as appropriate

Standard 6: Students are supported in their use of educational technology


  • Recognise disparities in students’ access to internet services

Standard 8: Students are directed to support services

Key first year indicators:

  • Actively engage with key transition support services and provide links to information/services