
Scholarships Search The Wood Scholarship

The Wood Scholarship

The Wood family has established a Prescribed Private Foundation (PPF) with the purpose of funding scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, studying medicine or allied health at ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø. The PPF was established with an initial funding donation of $1,000,000. The income from the Foundation will fund the scholarship(s).

This scholarship is subject to the provisions of the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Coursework Scholarships, Bursaries and Grants Policy

Student Type Indigenous
Area of Study Medicine and Health
Total Value Up to $25,000 per year
Duration Minimum number of years to complete degree
Number of Scholarships available 2
Applications Close Closed

If all the below statements describe you and your current situation, you can apply for this scholarship.

  • I am an Australian citizen;
  • I am an Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander;
  • I am enrolled in either an undergraduate or post graduate course offered by ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø’s College of Medicine and Dentistry, College of Healthcare Sciences or College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences; and
  • I am or will be enrolled to study full-time.

If you are a successful applicant of this scholarship, you will receive up to $25,000 per year for the minimum number of years required for you to complete your degree, provided you maintain a minimum of a pass in all subjects (Min GPA 4.0). Payments will be made in 2 instalments after census date of Study Period 1 and Study Period 2.

Prior to completing an application, you should carefully read the Scholarship Rules below.
Applicants wanting to apply for this scholarship must attach the following documents to their application form:

  • proof of Australian Aboriginality; or a signed Statutory Declaration confirming you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent; and
  • a written statement of no more than 600 words outlining:
    1. how the scholarship will assist you in your studies and
    2. your leadership roles and commitment to advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health.
  • a copy of your academic record from any other academic institution;
  • no more than three references attesting to your good character and/or suitability to receive the scholarship;
  • your curriculum vitae; and
  • any other supporting documentation that would assist the Selection Committee in developing an opinion as to the merit of your application.

When applying for a scholarship it is very important that you ensure that you include all relevant documents (including a completed application form) and that your application is submitted before the closing date. If an application is incomplete, it will not be considered.

Your application is checked for completeness and eligibility, and you will receive an email confirmation it has been received. After the closing date it will be individually assessed and put forward to a selection committee who will rank your application against others who have applied. Applicants may be required to attend an interview as part of the selection process.


The Wood family has established a Prescribed Private Foundation (PPF) with the purpose of funding scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, studying medicine or allied health at ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø. The PPF was established with an initial funding donation of $1,000,000. The income from the Foundation will fund the scholarship(s).

This scholarship is subject to the provisions of ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø’s Coursework Scholarships, Bursaries and Grants Policy.

Value and payment of the scholarship

The value of the scholarship shall be up to $25,000 per annum or such amount as the Selection Committee determine from time to time.

Payment will be made in two equal instalments after census date of SP1 and SP2.

The scholarship will be awarded for the minimum number of years required for the recipient to complete their degree, provided they maintain a minimum of a pass in all subjects (Min GPA 4.0). Payments will be made in 2 instalments after census date of Study Period 1 and Study Period 2.

Each year, the Selection Committee will meet and agree the number and value of each individual scholarship to be awarded for the coming year. This will be based on the income of the PPF, and will be no less than $5,000 per annum and no more than $25,000 per annum.

Scholarships will only be awarded to the extent that the full value of such scholarships, when taken with the remaining value of pre­existing scholarships, does not exceed the funding capacity of the PPF.

Eligibility Criteria

The Wood Family Scholarship shall be open to competition among candidates who:

  • are Australian citizens;
  • are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander;
  • are enrolled in either an undergraduate or post graduate course offered by ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø’s College of Medicine and Dentistry, College of Healthcare Sciences or College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences; and
  • are enrolled to study full-time.

Selection Criteria

The Selection Criteria are:

  • academic merit or potential;
  • the character of the candidate for the award; and
  • any other criteria that the Selection Committee deems appropriate, including whether the candidate has, or will receive any other scholarship assistance during their studies.

Application Procedures

Applications must be submitted on the official online application form and be received no later than the advertised close date. Applicants must submit with the official form:

  • proof of Australian Aboriginality; or a signed Statutory Declaration confirming they are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent; and
  • a written statement of no more than 600 words outlining:
    1. how the scholarship will assist you in your studies and
    2. your leadership roles and commitment to advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health.
  • a copy of their academic record from any other academic institution;
  • no more than three references attesting to the applicant’s good character and/or suitability to receive the scholarship;
  • their curriculum vitae; and
  • any other supporting documentation that would assist the Selection Committee in developing an opinion as to the merit of the application.

Applications submitted without the relevant documentation will not be considered.

The applicant authorises the Selection Committee to make such enquiries as to the applicant’s good character and suitability to receive the scholarship, which includes authorisation for the Selection Committee to examine the applicant’s academic record, and seek opinions from relevant members of the academic staff of this University or any other academic institution.

Selection Process

The award of the scholarship will be made in the absolute discretion of the Selection Committee, which shall comprise:

  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academy (Chair), or nominee;
  • Relevant Discipline Heads, as determined by the Chair, or equivalent university personnel under the structure operational at the time of awarding the scholarship(s), or nominee; and
  • Representative(s) of the Wood family, or nominee;
  • Head of the Discipline of Medicine, or nominee; and
  • Other members deemed appropriate, as determined by the Chair.

The Selection Committee reserves the right:

  • not to award a Scholarship in any year if, in the opinion of the Selection Committee, there is no candidate of sufficient merit to warrant an award;

The Selection committee will be responsible for shortlisting and/or interviewing of candidates.

The Selection Committee will determine all matters relating to the selection of the Scholarship awardee.

Ongoing eligibility

  • The recipient must maintain a full time enrolment.
  • The recipient must maintain a minimum of a pass in all subjects (Min GPA 4.0).

Conditions of the Scholarship

  • At the end of the academic year, a written report must be submitted to the scholarships office, the template will be sent to you.

    If the scholarship recipient fails to comply with any of these provisions or any provision relating to a particular award or with any conditions imposed under these provisions or the provisions relating to a particular award, the Selection Committee may terminate the award or withhold any further emoluments or take such action as it may deem necessary to enforce compliance with the provision or performance of the condition by the holder.

    The recipient of the scholarship shall continue to receive the award on condition that:

  • in the opinion of the Selection Committee, and on advice from the head of the school in which the recipient is undertaking a course of study, that the recipient maintains a satisfactory level of performance;
  • the recipient has not been found guilty of inappropriate conduct under the Student Conduct Policy that is deemed serious by the Student Discipline Committee;
  • Where it is determined that the level of academic performance is unsatisfactory or that the recipient has been found guilty of serious inappropriate conduct the Selection Committee may in its absolute discretion cancel the award or suspend the award for such time as it may determine and/or until academic performance is considered satisfactory. Where an award is cancelled pursuant to the provisions to this clause it may, for the remainder of the term for which the original holder would have been entitled to it, be awarded to another suitable candidate.

    In the event the Selection Committee cancels or suspends the student’s scholarship, at the request of the student within 14 days, a review of the decision shall be undertaken by an Appeal Panel. The scholarship shall not be awarded to another suitable candidate before the Appeal Panel makes a final decision on the review. The Appeal Panel shall comprise the Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor or nominee (Chair); two staff members of the appropriate discipline appointed by the Division Deputy Vice Chancellor and either the Student Association Academic Support Services Coordinator or the Student Association Welfare Support Coordinator. The staff members appointed by the Deputy Vice Chancellor shall have no association with the teaching of the subject(s) in which the unsatisfactory academic performance is alleged. Unless the circumstances are exceptional, the Appeal Panel shall consider only: the student’s grounds for requesting the review; any documents relevant to the finding of unsatisfactory academic performance; and the reasons for the decision by the Selection Committee.

    The requirements of the Scholarship shall not make the awarding of the Scholarship conditional upon the recipient providing unremunerated services or products to the donor.

    In the event that the recipient suspends their study, the scholarship shall be suspended.

  • A student may lodge a request for review of decision in accordance with the provisions of the Student Complaints Policy and Procedures.

Administration of the Scholarship

The scholarship shall be administered by the scholarships office, on behalf of the Selection Committee.

The funds of the scholarship shall be held in an account in the name of the University and shall be administered by the officer of the University charged with administering the scholarship.

Where an award provides some benefit to the recipient from a body external to the University, or an obligation upon a body external to the University, the University, its servants and agents, shall not be liable for that benefit or obligation.

Please refer to Glossary of Terms.