
Policy Academic Governance Coursework Scholarships, Grants and Prizes Policy

Coursework Scholarships, Grants and Prizes Policy


This policy provides the framework for the establishment and administration of 番茄社区 (“The University”) coursework scholarships, grants and prizes.


The University establishes and awards scholarships, grants and prizes, in a transparent and efficient manner to support:

  • the strategic Mission of the university, our values and beliefs.
  • equitable and merit-based access to higher education.
  • academic achievement.
  • students who are facing economic, social or other challenges and are seeking to overcome those challenges through education
  • engagement with industry, community and donors


This policy applies to all external donor funded and University funded scholarships, grants and prizes for coursework subjects and courses. It does not apply to:

  • Commonwealth funded scholarships provided to eligible Indigenous higher education students with the general costs of study; and
  • Higher Degree by Research scholarships, grants and prizes.


Except where otherwise set out below, the definitions used in this procedure are found in the Student Adverse Circumstances Policy or the Policy Glossary.

Donor - a person, organisation or estate external to the university that provides the resources or services to constitute a scholarship, grant or prize.

Grant - an award made on the basis of good academic standing, primarily to address financial need or some other disadvantage. May also be known as a bursary.

Prize - an award to recognise academic achievement.

Scholarship - an award to a student by donor or University to enable university study.

University funded - a scholarship, grant or prize funded by a section of the University through the University’s budgetary process.

Memorial endowment - a scholarship, grant or prize in memory funded in perpetuity from interest earned.



1. Scholarships, grants or prizes must:

a. have defined, measurable assessment criteria and eligibility requirements and deadlines;

b. comply with all applicable Australian laws, including Human Rights and Discrimination Law for Scholarships, grants or prizes available to students on Australian campuses;

c. comply with all applicable Singapore laws for Scholarships, grants or prizes available to students on the Singapore campus;

d. align with University course offerings; and

e. have documented management arrangements (as set out in the Coursework Scholarship, Grant and Prizes Procedure).

2. Unless otherwise approved under Clause 8 of this policy, scholarships, grants and prizes when established must meet the following criteria:

a. Prizes must have a minimum commitment of three years and a minimum annual value of $500;

b. Grants must have a minimum commitment of three years and a minimum annual value of up to $1000;

c. Scholarships funded by a memorial endowment available for a minimum of three years and having an annual value of at least $8000;

d. Scholarships funded by a donor available for a minimum of three years and having an annual value of at least $6000.

3. Any University staff member wishing to create a donor scholarship, grant or prize must liaise with the Advancement Office (jcuadvancement@jcu.edu.au) prior to any contact with a Donor.


4. Scholarships, grants and prizes must meet the following conditions for administration:

a. clear deadlines for the opening and closing dates of applications must be established and published on the University website;

b. all relevant criteria must be published on the University website;

c. there must be sufficient donor funds available to meet the specific benefit amount;

d. successful and unsuccessful applicants must be advised of the result of their application within the established timeframes.


5. The Chair of Academic Board is responsible for approving scholarships, grants and prizes on the recommendation of the Advancement and Student Finance and Scholarship Offices. The Chair of Academic Board must ensure that:

a. the scholarship, grant or prize complies with the principles of this Policy and Clause 1, 2 and 3 above, and

b. any identified risks are minimised and controlled in accordance with University’s Risk Management Policy.

Applications and Assessment

6. Students must apply for Scholarships, Prizes and Grants using the Application Form, and within the timeframes, specified on the University Website. An application is considered ineligible if it does not contain all the information in the Application Form or is submitted outside of the specified timeframes.

7. Applications are assessed and determined in accordance with the criteria specified on the University website. The Chair Academic Board has the discretion to:

  • Not award a scholarship or grant in in a particular year if there is no applicant of sufficient merit; and
  • Equally divide a scholarship or grant among candidates deemed to be of equal merit

8. Any conditions, including but not limited to admission to study a particular course at the University or maintenance of a specified GPA, must be met in order to receive a prize or continue to receive a scholarship or grant.


9. Scholarships, grants and prizes must be reviewed annually by Student Finance and Scholarships and Advancement or as otherwise agreed in the signed establishment agreement ensuring relevance of course offerings, course structures and candidate pools.

10. The University reserves the right to make amendments to a scholarship, grant or prize with the provision that the core premise of the scholarship, grant or prize is maintained.

11. The University, at its discretion, may decide to terminate a scholarship, grant or prize if it is determined that the scholarship, grant or prize is inconsistent with this Policy.

12. The Vice Chancellor has discretion to remove, add or amend assessment criteria for the University funded scholarships, grants and prizes at any time.


13. All applications are managed in accordance with the University’s Information Privacy Policy.

14. The University will obtain consent of the successful applicants before publishing or promoting outcomes.


15. Records of all decisions made throughout the establishment, administration, application and selection process must be kept in accordance with the University’s Record Management Policy.


16. Students dissatisfied with an outcome made under this Policy or associated Procedure may make a complaint under the University’s Student Complaints Management Policy

Related policy instruments

Coursework Scholarships, Grants and Prizes Procedure



Related documents and legislation



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Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance
Policy Sub-domainStudent Experience

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Approved by

Implementation date



22-215/08/2022Academic Board11/10/2022Review Policy and Procedure documents undertakenManager, Student Finance and Scholarships
22-128/02/2022Academic Board28/03/2022Amendment to include VC has the discretion to add, remove or amend 番茄社区 funded scholarship and bursary criteria.Director, Student Services
18-109/03/2018 30/04/2018Minor amendment to reflect current organisational structure.QSP Officer





Minor amendments to remove procedural content and to broaden scope to include prizes

Chair of Academic Board





Minor amendments to align with Council approved Academic and Student Delegations Register

Associate Director, Enrolment and Client Services




Policy sponsor and approval authority amended to reflect approved policy framework.

Quality, Standards and Policy




Roles amended to reflect organisation re-structure

Policy Officer




Policy established. Approved at Academic Board



Scholarship, grant, prize, bursary

Contact person:Director, Student Services