
Scholarships Search Lions Marine Research Trust Grants

Lions Marine Research Trust Grants

Australian Lions Stinger Research has been operating in North Queensland since the early 1990's. Their aim is to enable research that helps to a better understand stinging jellyfish, where they come from and how they behave, so there can be better management of the risks to humans as well as preventative and curative measures to ensure no sting is lethal.
This scholarship is subject to the provisions of the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Coursework Scholarships, Bursaries and Grants Policy

Student Type Higher Degree Research including PhD, Professional  Doctorate, Masters by Research, Honours Year
Area of Study Must be conducting research related to stinging jellyfish.
Total Value $7,000
Duration 1 year
Number of Scholarships available 2
Applications Open1 May 2024
Applications Close31 July 2024

The Australian Lions Stinger Research Grants are open to competition among candidates who are:

  • Enrolled in a Higher Degree by Research program at ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø (PhD, Professional Doctorate, Master by Research, Honours Year);
  • Previous recipients seeking further funding to allow continuation of their research are particularly encouraged to apply;
  • Conducting research into marine stingers/jellyfish. Projects with the following output goals are highly encouraged to apply:
    Prediction: predicting the occurrence of jellyfish in time and space;
    Detection: detect and accurately identify them and understand their ecology;
    Barriers: cost-effective and feasible barriers between people and jellyfish;
    Diagnosis: rapid diagnosis of a sting, how recent and by what jellyfish;
    Treatment: effective treatments from first aid to in the hospital;
    Public Health: community approaches to managing risk.

Successful candidates will receive a grant, to assist with their research, to the value of $7,000 paid into their IRA account.  Funds may be used for, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Purchase of equipment
  • Travel and associated field trip expenses (e.g. boat hire)
  • Analytical services
  • Library visits or visits to appropriate labs to learn new methods
  • Conference attendance (if the student is presenting their research work)

    Funds will be paid in one installment and must be used within 12 months of being received.

Successful recipients will be required to submit the following at completion of funding year:

  • An impact report (in video or text). The impact report should document how the research transpired and what outcomes have, or will, come from the project, the communities that have benefited and any on-going research. This report/video may be used in conjunction with the Donor's name in University communications.
  • An article (no more than one page) for publication in the Northern District or Australian Lions Newsletter;
  • Present research outcomes at a meeting of the Australian Lions Foundation and be prepared to speak at Lions Club meetings on request;
  • A financial acquittal of funds with any unspent funds returned to the Foundation;
  • Applicants are also expected to include reference to the funding support received from the Australian Lions Foundation as part of any media releases, other publicity and in published works.

Applications must be submitted online using the application portal and received no later than the advertised close date.

Applicants will need to detail how their project aligns with one or more of the key research areas:

  • Prediction: predicting the occurrence of jellyfish in time and space
  • Detection: detect and accurately identify them and understand their ecology
  • Barriers: cost-effective and feasible barriers between people and jellyfish
  • Diagnosis: rapid diagnosis of a sting, how recent and by what jellyfish
  • Treatment: effective treatments from first aid to in the hospital
  • Public Health: community approaches to managing risk

Applicants will also need to submit a written statement outlining:

  1. Name and Student ID;
  2. Background and Summary (50% weighting) (500 - 750 words):
    Outlining the background and plain English summary of the project. This section should address why the project is important, needed and likely to result in significant advancement in knowledge and understanding of the issue and/or practical improvements in the way the issue/s are managed;
  3. Amount Requested (30% weighting) (250-500 words):
    Outlining the amount requested (maximum of $7000) and planned use of the funds which is rigorous, achievable, innovative, and compatible with time left in candidature. This section should include details about approaches to sampling and a time frame of the project schedule;
  4. Research Outputs (10% weighting):
    Listing any publications or other research outputs that you have;
  5. Academic Record (10% weighting):
    Listing qualifications, GPAs and academic awards;
  6. Research Environment (100 words):
    Discuss the expertise of your supervisory team and relevant infrastructure e.g. access to instrumentation and specialist equipment.

Applications submitted without the relevant documentation will not be considered.

The applicant authorises the Selection Committee to make such enquiries as to the applicant’s good character and suitability to receive the grant, which includes authorisation for the Selection Committee to examine the applicant’s academic record, and seek opinions from relevant members of the academic staff of this University or any other academic institution.

Your application is checked for completeness and eligibility, and you will receive an email confirmation that it has been received. After the closing date it will be individually assessed and put forward to a selection committee who will rank your application against others who have applied. Applicants may be required to attend an interview as part of the selection process.


Australian Lions Stinger Research has been operating in North Queensland since the early 1990's. Their aim is to enable research that helps to a better understand stinging jellyfish, where they come from and how they behave, so there can be better management of the risks to humans as well as preventative and curative measures to ensure no sting is lethal.

This scholarship is subject to the provisions of ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø’s Coursework Scholarships, Bursaries and Grants Policy.

Value and payment of the grant

Successful candidates will receive a grant, to assist with their research, up to the value of $7,000 paid into their IRA account.  Funds may be used for, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Purchase of equipment
  • Travel and associated field trip expenses (e.g. boat hire)
  • Analytical services
  • Library visits or visits to appropriate labs to learn new methods
  • Conference attendance (if the student is presenting their research work)

    Funds will be paid in one instalment and must be used within 12 months of being received.

Eligibility Criteria

The Australian Lions Stinger Research Grants are open to competition among candidates who are:

  • Enrolled in a Higher Degree by Research program at ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø (PhD, Professional Doctorate, Master by Research, Honours Year);
  • Conducting research into marine stingers/jellyfish. Projects with the following output goals are highly encouraged to apply:

    Prediction: predicting the occurrence of jellyfish in time and space;
    Detection: detect and accurately identify them and understand their ecology;
    Barriers: cost-effective and feasible barriers between people and jellyfish;
    Diagnosis: rapid diagnosis of a sting, how recent and by what jellyfish;
    Treatment: effective treatments from first aid to in the hospital;
    Public Health: community approaches to managing risk.
  • Previous recipients seeking further funding to allow continuation of their research are particularly encouraged to apply.

Selection Criteria

The Selection Criteria are:

  • Background and Summary (50% weighting) (500 - 750 words):
    Outlining the background and plain English summary of the project. This section should address why the project is important, needed and likely to result in significant advancement in knowledge and understanding of the issue and/or practical improvements in the way the issue/s are managed;
  • Amount Requested (30% weighting) (250-500 words):
    Outlining the amount requested (maximum of $7000) and planned use of the funds which is rigorous, achievable, innovative, and compatible with time left in candidature. This section should include details about approaches to sampling and a time frame of the project schedule;
  • Research Outputs (10% weighting):
    Listing any publications or other research outputs that you have;
  • Academic Record (10% weighting):
    Listing qualifications, GPAs and academic awards;

Application Procedures

Applications must be submitted online using the application portal and received no later than the advertised close date.

Applicants will need to detail how their project aligns with one or more of the key research areas:

  • Prediction: predicting the occurrence of jellyfish in time and space
  • Detection: detect and accurately identify them and understand their ecology
  • Barriers: cost-effective and feasible barriers between people and jellyfish
  • Diagnosis: rapid diagnosis of a sting, how recent and by what jellyfish
  • Treatment: effective treatments from first aid to in the hospital
  • Public Health: community approaches to managing risk

Applicants will also need to submit a written statement outlining:

  1. Name and Student ID;
  2. Background and Summary (50% weighting) (500 - 750 words):
    Outlining the background and plain English summary of the project. This section should address why the project is important, needed and likely to result in significant advancement in knowledge and understanding of the issue and/or practical improvements in the way the issue/s are managed;
  3. Amount Requested (30% weighting) (250-500 words):
    Outlining the amount requested (maximum of $7000) and planned use of the funds which is rigorous, achievable, innovative, and compatible with time left in candidature. This section should include details about approaches to sampling and a time frame of the project schedule;
  4. 10.Research Outputs (10% weighting):
    Listing any publications or other research outputs that you have;
  5. 11.Academic Record (10% weighting):
    Listing qualifications, GPAs and academic awards;
  6. Research Environment (100 words):
    Discuss the expertise of your supervisory team and relevant infrastructure e.g. access to instrumentation and specialist equipment.

Applications submitted without the relevant documentation will not be considered.

The applicant authorises the Selection Committee to make such enquiries as to the applicant’s good character and suitability to receive the grant, which includes authorisation for the Selection Committee to examine the applicant’s academic record, and seek opinions from relevant members of the academic staff of this University or any other academic institution.

Selection Process

The award of the grant will be made in the absolute discretion of the Selection Committee, which shall comprise:

  • Prof Mike Kingsford, Professor of Marine and Aquaculture Sciences, College of Science and Engineering (Chair)
  • Dave Sellars, Senior Lecturer - Environmental Health, College of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
  • Dr Lyndon Llewellyn, Lead - Science Impact and Stakeholder Development, Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)

The Selection Committee will determine all matters relating to the selection of the grant awardee.

Reporting Requirements

Successful recipients will be required to submit the following at completion of funding year:

  • An impact report (in video or text). The impact report should document how the research transpired and what outcomes have, or will, come from the project, the communities that have benefited and any on-going research.  This report/video may be used in conjunction with the Donor’s name in University communications.
  • An article (no more than one page) for publication in the Northern District or Australian Lions Newsletter;
  • Present research outcomes at a meeting of the Australian Lions Foundation and be prepared to speak at Lions Club meetings on request;
  • A financial acquittal of funds with any unspent funds returned to the Foundation.
  • Applicants are also expected to include reference to the funding support received from the Australian Lions Foundation as part of any media releases, other publicity and in published works.

Conditions of the Grant

  • If the recipient defers their study, the recipient will no longer be eligible for the award and any unspent funds will be returned.
  • If the holder of an award takes an official leave of absence, the award will be terminated and any unspent funds returned.
  • Where the recipient fails to meet any conditions of the award, evidence of special circumstances can be provided to the Selection Committee for consideration of ongoing eligibility. The Selection Committee will determine all matters relating to the conditions of the grant.
  • A student may lodge a request for review of decision in accordance with the provisions of the Student Appeals Policy.

Administration of the Grant

This grant shall be administered by the Graduate Research School (GRS), on behalf of Australian Lions Stinger Research.
The funds of the grant shall be held in an account in the name of the University and shall be administered by ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø's Corporate Finance team.

Please refer to Glossary of Terms.