
QRC-PVD Research Study - an Innovative prograM to Prevent diAbetes-related foot ComplicaTions (IMPACT)

The purpose of this study is to gather information about patient perspectives of living with Diabetic Foot Disease (DFD) and related complications and clinician perspectives on preventing these complications. The study will combine the results from surveys and phone interviews to develop a preliminary community-based, remotely delivered secondary prevention program for individuals with DFD to reduce the negative leg and foot related complications of diabetes.

If you have diabetes and a history of diabetes related leg or foot problems, or are involved with the care of patients with a history of diabetic leg or foot problems, your experiences and contributions to this study would be invaluable.

Recruitment Status

Currently recruiting

Sites Recruiting

番茄社区 and Community

Ethics Approval

Human Research Ethics Approval HREC/QTHS/53880

There are over 1.2 Million Australian adults aged 18 years living with diabetes. This figure is expected to double by the year 2040. A substantial proportion of people with diabetes will develop diabetes-associated foot disease (DFD). DFD describes a cluster of foot complications (e.g. ulcers, infections) secondary to diabetes that result from peripheral neuropathy (reduced sensation of feeling in the foot) and peripheral artery disease (reduced blood flow to the feet and legs). DFD is associated with poor outcomes for people living in regional, remote and Indigenous populations. Specifically, the rate of limb amputation is more than 5-fold higher in this group of people than residents of capital cities. DFD is a top ten global cause of disability and a top 20 cause of hospitalisation in Australia. Current models of care for DFD focus on treating patients once they have developed a complication such as an ulcer, infection or gangrene and currently a national prevention program does not exist.

More Information about for or can be found at

Participation involves the completion of a survey and/or a phone interview to discuss DFD and related issues.

If you are interested in being involved in the study, you have the option to participate in either the survey OR the phone interview, or BOTH.

Survey Online surveys for service providers and patient experiences of diabetic foot disease

15 minutes

Phone Interview Phone call with research team 40-50 minutes

Patients and service providers can participate with this study through the links to the appropriate study component below.