
Centre Research

QRC-PVD researchers ultimately aim to improve management of peripheral vascular disease (PVD) through a group of wide ranging studies that focus on the presenting complaints and complications of PVD. Important and developing current focus areas are outlined below, but the exact areas evolve in relation to new findings.

The group is interested in the full range of PVD problems (including but not limited to arterial occlusive, aneurysmal and venous disease) as well as their whole range of complications, including myocardial infarction, stroke, renal impairment and other complications common in these patients.

A large range of skills and techniques are used and sought in the group including those involving in vivo pre-clinical models, in vitro studies, genomics, genetics, bio-informatics, molecular biology, epidemiology, clinical trials, health economics and complex statistical analyses.

Examples of some of the current focus areas of the centre are given below, although these are continually evolving:

» Work designed to improve understanding of the pathogenesis of PVD

This work uses a range of approaches including the utilisation of in vivo pre-clinical models, human cells and tissues and blood samples.

» Work designed to develop potential new therapies for PVD

This work uses a variety of in vivo pre-clinical models and human samples and data.

» Work aimed as identifying potential new diagnostics

This work uses a range of blood and tissue samples from pre-clinical models and patients and is assisted by the establishment of a biobank.

» Work aimed at testing new management approaches or therapies

This work includes a range of pilot and larger randomised controlled trials.

» Work aimed at identifying novel risk factors and prognostic models

This work utilises a range of human data including clinical risk factors, social and nutritional factors, imaging information, blood tests and a large cohort of patients undergoing continued follow-up.

» Work aimed at identifying current management and process deficiencies

This work includes systematic reviews and developing health service research.

The group is interested in new students and regularly advertises for new staff who are appropriately skilled, interested and highly motivated to work on these areas. The Centre is also happy to take approaches from patients and the public wishing to take part in the research or otherwise contribute to the work being undertaken.