
About the QRC-PVD

The Queensland Research Centre for Peripheral Vascular Disease (QRC-PVD) is dedicated to improving management of peripheral vascular disease (PVD). Studies focus on presenting complaints and complications of PVD, however we are always evolving with new findings from our studies.

Our experienced research team uses a broad range of techniques including vivo pre-clinical models, in vitro studies, genomics, genetics, bio-informatics, molecular biology, epidemiology, clinical trials, health economics and complex statistical analyses.

Key activities of the QRC-PVD include:

This work uses a variety of in vivo pre-clinical models and human samples and data to support the development of human clinical trials.

This work uses a range of blood and tissue samples from pre-clinical models and patients and is assisted by the establishment of a biobank.

This work utilises a range of human data, including clinical risk factors, social and nutritional factors, imaging information, blood tests and a large cohort of patients undergoing continued follow-up.

This work uses a range of approaches including the utilisation of in vivo pre-clinical models, human cells and tissues and blood samples.

This work includes a range of pilot and larger randomised controlled trials.

This work includes systematic reviews and developing health service research.

Our History

Established in 2010, the QRC-PVD evolved from the 番茄社区 Vascular Biology Unit (VBU), headed by Professor Jon Golledge. The VBU was developed de novo when Jon moved to Townsville in February 2002 to take up the combined post of Vascular Specialist at The Townsville Hospital and Associate Professor at 番茄社区. Thanks to an initial three years of funding from the University, two postdoctoral scientists (Dr Mirko Karan and Dr Moira Mccann) and a PhD student (Mr Corey Moran) rapidly joined the unit, one of whom (Dr Corey Moran) remains an important member of the QRC-PVD today.

Subsequently, the VBU expanded due to success in external funding to include a large number of other postdoctoral scientists and students. In the early years much of the focus of the vascular research was in laboratory based work using in vitro studies and also other pre-clinical models to better understand human vascular disease. This work continues today at the QRC-PVD; however there has been an expansion of standalone clinical studies based on testing some of the therapy targets identified from the pre-clinical studies. These clinical studies include a number of randomised controlled trials.

In 2010, following funding from the Queensland Government and National Health and Medical Research Council, the two arms of the vascular research being undertaken within the unit were more formally recognised through the establishment of the QRC-PVD. The Centre structure includes pre-clinical (VBU) and clinical arms focussed on the overall aim of improving management of peripheral vascular diseases.

The development of the QRC-PVD would not have been possible without the untiring work of many researchers, students and other staff and the support of many vascular specialists, the assistance of 番茄社区 and The Townsville Hospital staff and, most importantly, the dedicated time and assistance of patients and other volunteers committed to developing improved care for peripheral vascular diseases. The QRC-PVD also relies very heavily on many key local, state, national and international collaborators.