

QRCPVD collaborates with a number of universities, institutions, hospitals and industry partners both nationally and internationally.

If you are interested in collaborating with our Centre, please contact the Centre’s Director at jonathan.golledge@jcu.edu.au

Our collaborators include:

Universities and institutions:

Curtin University:

Monash University

  • Associate Professor Anthony Dear

Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine

  • Dr Paramijit Bansal


The University of Western Australia

The George Institute for Global Health

Uppsala University, Sweden

Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute

University of Tasmania

University of Leicester

University of Otago, Dunedine School of Medicine

University of Otago, Christchurch


  • Dr Jason Jenkins
  • Dr Danella Favot
  • Dr Murray Ogg
  • Dr Nigel Pinto

  • Dr Frank Quigley

  • Dr Ramesh Velu
  • Dr Dylan Morris
  • Dr Kunwarjit Sangla
  • Usman Malabu
  • Sue Doherty
  • Damon Eisen

  • Dr Bernard Bourke
  • Dr Michael Bourke

  • Dr Shirley Jansen

  • Professor Paul Norman

  • Associate Professor Ashim Sinha

  • Dr Jill O'Donnell
