
QRC-PVD Contact and Enquiries Form

The QRC-PVD is located in and in the 番茄社区 Research Education block on the .

Mailing Address
Queensland Research Centre for Peripheral Vascular Disease
番茄社区 College of Medicine and Dentistry 
1 James Cook Drive
Townsville, QLD 4811

Phone +61 7 4781 5976
Email qrcpvd@jcu.edu.au

Online Enquiries Form

What is the reason for your enquiry? * Please select one option only

Which clinical trial(s) are you interested in? Select one or more
Max. 300 characters
Max. 300 characters
Maximum file size of 1MB. If attaching a file, please allow up to 1 minute for file upload time after you submit your enquiry. A confirmation will be displayed upon successful form submission. Alternatively, you may send attachments by email to qrcpvd@jcu.edu.au.
Max. 300 characters
Max. 300 characters

Contact Information