
QRC-PVD Peripheral Vascular Biobank

Biobank is a collection of high quality human blood, tissue samples and clinical information. Samples are collected, frozen and held at our facility until they are needed. Blood contains chemicals that can provide scientists with a greater understanding of how diseases develop and progress. Studying these chemicals can potentially help with earlier diagnosis and treatment of disease or provide new targets for treatment.

As advances in technology happen, more information can be learnt from samples. Chemicals are stable when frozen, so the samples can be stored for a very long time and put to great use when needed.

The main advantage of the Biobank is when scientists find a new chemical in the blood, they have a variety of samples from people who have the same condition to test on. This will allow research to progress more quickly, and thus enable faster research results.

Recruitment Status

Currently recruiting

Ethics Approval

Human Research Ethics Approval HERC/12/QTHS/202 and MH20140114-01

If you are willing to provide samples and fit the following criteria, we would like to talk to you about participating in this study:

  • Your have been diagnosed with a vascular disease
  • You have had a stroke or heart attack, or
  • You have NOT been diagnosed with a vascular disease or had a stroke or heart attack

Participants who have NOT been diagnosed with a vascular disease or had a stroke or heart attack may fall into the control group. This means chemicals from the control group can be compared with those from the disease group to help scientists to understand the condition better.

Participants will undertake a health check-up to discuss their health and medical history. Blood will also be collected and a physical and vital assessment carried out.

If you have had a stroke, a further interview will be held either face to face or by phone.

If you have NOT had a stroke, your participation will end here, however your samples will be stored indefinitely in the Biobank for further analysis.

All samples are de-identified and cannot be traced back to you.

First visit (30-60 mins)

  • Health check-up and discussion of health and medical history
  • Blood collection

Stroke participants only (5-15 minutes)

  • Blood samples at time of hospitalisation
  • Blood sample at 3 months, as well as:
    • Assessment of level of disability after stroke
    • Questionnaire