
Featured News News Archive Media Release Archive 2015

Media Releases

Browse our Media Releases from 2015


Chinese students at special risk of problem gambling

Coastal councils behind on climate change preparations

Concern over skin whitener marketing

番茄社区 offers places to new students

番茄社区 promotes learning and teaching thanks to grants

Predicting coral reef futures under climate change

Reconciliation in action at 番茄社区

Silk-weaving ant study sees new behaviour

Sterile gloves not essential for minor procedures

Vale George Roberts CBE


Can biodiversity conservation lead to more chocolate?

Charters Towers high school students Get into Uni

Great Barrier Reef corals eat plastic

Immune cells 鈥 learning from experience

番茄社区 Professor wins international conservation award

番茄社区 Scientist named Pew Fellowship recipient

New project puts Insulator Creek in the spotlight for World Wetlands Day

Offers snapped up at 番茄社区, but still time left to apply direct

Scientists hunt cause of mystery turtle deaths

Scientists plot how to beat bat virus

Scientists plot how to beat bat virus

Students to let their hair down before serious study starts

Turtle 'hotspots' to be mapped


3D satellite mapping of Coral Sea reefs

Call for change of focus with cyclone planning

Equatorial fish babies in hot water

Habitat fragmentation having 鈥渢errifying effects鈥 on world鈥檚 ecosystems

番茄社区 expands into Townsville鈥檚 CBD

番茄社区 in major study with Saudi university

番茄社区 Major Partner for first TEDxTownsville event

番茄社区 Singapore moves to new campus

番茄社区 tests new life jackets for surf lifesavers

Mangrove CHAMPions for Gladstone

Pretty fish gets brighter future

Scientists develop PNG fishing spots

Seniors and cyclones

Stingray target training hits the mark

Surviving the 鈥楳ost Explosive Era of Infrastructure Expansion鈥 in Nine Steps

The artful parasite

Toddler turtles prepare for their big trip

Twice the coral trout in Great Barrier Reef protected zones

World Heritage sites risk collapse without stronger local management


10-year agreement for the Australian Tropical Herbarium

Construction re-think needed for Great Barrier Reef coast

Fishing impacts on the Great Barrier Reef

Hi-tech Townsville data hub to lower water and energy use

番茄社区 Doctors in World-first Epilepsy Treatment

番茄社区 maps effect of climate change on Australia

番茄社区 Singapore awarded the EduTrust Star

番茄社区鈥檚 revolutionary new course: prepare for the 鈥業nternet of Things鈥

New approach to farm safety

Roadmap to recovery for coral reef fish

Students accept the science challenge

Students accept the science challenge

Tattoo growth still strong

Trade and investment policy advisors at 番茄社区

We can fix the Great Barrier Reef


Baby flatback turtles fight currents to stay in the Great Barrier Reef

Breeding program takes pressure off coral reefs

Budding scientists welcome at Internet of Things race

Croakey! Frog spotting app released

Farmers Wired Up

Five-year study unlocks global frog death mystery

Foray into fiction for acclaimed writer

番茄社区 redevelopment on track for an award

番茄社区 takes out second national FameLab with allergies talk

番茄社区 taking care of business

番茄社区鈥檚 double win: research leaders win top science honour

New centre to help close the gap

New management for 番茄社区Vet

Scientists discover gecko secret

Seabirds in hot water

Tropical research institute welcomes funding for health and medicine in northern Australia

Unleashing the Australian tiger prawn onto the world

Writing about pregnancy loss


Australian Crawl: Invasive Walking Fish Threat from PNG

Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott opens new 番茄社区 Singapore campus

Cairns researcher鈥檚 Vivid Ideas

Electric car gadget to drive profits

Great Barrier Reef marine reserves combat coral disease

Huge rainforest experiment underway

番茄社区 finds 'unprecedented' earthquake evidence in Africa

Professor Sandra Harding re-appointed 番茄社区 Vice Chancellor

Sediment makes it harder for baby Nemo to breathe easy

Sun smart: fish shelter under table coral

Tweeting Disaster

View Source 番茄社区 algae researchers hope to scoop the pool


View Source Turtle nests at risk from rising sea levels

High-tech may be revolutionary for rural women

番茄社区鈥檚 national search for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander academic leader begins

番茄社区鈥檚 student boost

Mysterious black leopards finally reveal their spots

Sharks on film: Australia joins global shark survey

Tagged bees causing a buzz in disease research

Why offspring cope better with climate change 鈥 it鈥檚 all in the genes!


Fish go deep to beat the heat

High-altitude climate change to kill cloud forest plants

番茄社区 professor is inaugural Mindset Scholar

番茄社区 throws its door open to community

番茄社区鈥檚 world-class result

Lendlease to build 番茄社区鈥檚 landmark 鈥楾he Science Place鈥

Queensland鈥檚 Science Week begins in Cairns

The Cairns Campus K 鈥 racing in August

Top Australian authors shortlisted

Women needed for research into post-menopause

Work on barren soil may bear fruit


Forest Decline Slows According to Global Survey

I鈥檝e got your back 鈥 fish really do look after their mates!

番茄社区 dental graduates top in the bush

番茄社区 dental graduates top in the bush

番茄社区 scientist named L鈥橭real-UNESCO for Women in Science Fellow 2015

番茄社区鈥檚 teaching excellence recognised

Long search ends in success for 番茄社区 scientist

New era for rare treasures

New species emerges from the 鈥榙ark zone鈥

New weapon against the reef eaters

Noise a new threat to wildlife

Outstanding Alumni 2015

Rare Australian dolphin found in PNG waters

Southern Surveyor: Stories from onboard Australia鈥檚 ocean research vessel


Animal personality may aid survival

Are fish the greatest athletes on the planet?

Breakthrough on Crown-of-Thorns causes

Cancer-causing parasite may accelerate wound healing

Green Gown Awards

How not to raise a brat in today鈥檚 busy, complex world

番茄社区 appoints tropical health Dean

番茄社区 helps the Army take care of business

番茄社区 researcher develops app to warn of food danger

番茄社区 wins ARC research funding

番茄社区鈥檚 global ranking boost

番茄社区鈥檚 U.S. ranking success

Passion for the Tropics guides 番茄社区鈥檚 new academic leader

QCoal Foundation scholarship on offer

Searching for Australia鈥檚 top author

Stalking a shady individual


A shared future for 番茄社区 and UPNG

Film to document a disappearing language

Film to document a disappearing language

Good medicine left on the shelf?

Half of Amazonian tree species may be threatened

番茄社区 and rangers track climate change

番茄社区 researchers receive AUS$2.8M grant to develop malaria vaccine

番茄社区 University Council elects next Chancellor

Koala genome reveals its secret

Massive Development Corridors Could Create Environmental Crisis for Africa

Scholarship winner to research malaria

Scholarship winner to research malaria

The RAAF brushes up on dog health at 番茄社区

Yellow Crazy Ants threaten native butterflies


Archaeologist seeks climate lessons in our deep past

Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine launched

Dead-easy test to tackle parasites

Graduates from all walks of life

Health and healing careers for graduates

High fat/low carb diet could combat schizophrenia

番茄社区 team wins innovation award for 鈥榞reen鈥 concrete

番茄社区鈥檚 Vet School embraces animal welfare

番茄社区鈥檚 world class research report card

JT awarded one of 番茄社区鈥檚 highest honours

Marine debris travels far

Targeted assistance needed to fight poverty in developing coastal communities

Telemedicine focus to prevent amputations in Rural/Remote Australia

Young can鈥檛 use online health help