
Featured News 番茄社区 offers places to new students

Media Releases

Thu, 1 Jan 2015

番茄社区 offers places to new students

Along with Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science, the disciplines of Law, Business and Information Technology continue to be popular with students applying to study at 番茄社区.

番茄社区 offers places to new students

Along with Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science, the disciplines of Law, Business and Information Technology continue to be popular with students applying to study at 番茄社区.

番茄社区 will offer 2952 university places in the major Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) offer round today (Thursday, 15 January) at the Townsville, Cairns, Mackay, Mount Isa and Thursday Island campuses.

Acting Vice Chancellor, Professor Chris Cocklin said growth areas in Townsville included Business/Accounting (33%), Law (33%,), IT (25%) and Nursing (30%).

Other courses recording increases in applications were Science (19%), Medicine (12%) and Physiotherapy (17%).

There were decreases in the number of offers in Creative Arts, Early Childhood Education and Occupational Therapy.

“In Townsville we are offering fewer places in Creative Arts as well as Early Childhood Education, courses that have seen lower demand across the tertiary sector this year,” Professor Cocklin said.

Professor Cocklin said courses in health continued to attract far more applications than places available.

“番茄社区 received 3040 applications for 150 places in Medicine, just over 460 applications for 72 places in Veterinary Science and more than 1300 applications for 70 places in Dentistry.”

Applicants are able to check their offers from 9.00am today (Thursday 15 January) on the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) website: www.qtac.edu.au. Offers will also be posted to successful applicants.

Applicants who receive an offer during this major offer round have until January 22 to accept their offer through QTAC and 番茄社区.

Professor Cocklin reminded applicants that they still had further options after this major round of offers.

“We will be making further offers in most courses in February. After you consider your offer there is still time to make a late application or change your preferences. If you are confused about the choices open to you, call 番茄社区 and talk it through with one of our advisors.”

番茄社区’s total QTAC offers to date, including offer rounds late last year, are 3628. Compared with this time last year, the figure represents a slight decrease of 77 offers (2.1%).

The total number of applications to QTAC for all participating institutions is 3.1% lower than in 2014.

Offers at the Townsville campus have increased from 2738 to 2760 (0.8%), but offers at the Cairns campus decreased by 8.4%.

Please note QTAC figures do not include international students, post-graduate students, students who transfer within the university or others who are required to apply directly to 番茄社区, so do not give an overall indication of total enrolments.

番茄社区 advisors can be contacted on freecall 1800 246 446.