
番茄社区 Feedback and complaints Where should you direct your complaint?

Where should you direct your complaint?

Use the table below to find the right policy and contact information to:

  • Help you work out who best to approach about your concern, inquiry or complaint.
  • Find out if it is a person, event or situation which is within the control or responsibility of 番茄社区.
Academic misconduct Student Academic Misconduct Procedure
Award Finalisation, conferral of a degree and testamurs Coursework Award Finalisation, Conferral and Issuance Procedure
Bullying Bullying, Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy
Cheating Student Academic Misconduct Procedure
Communication facilities Digital Technologies Acceptable Use Policy
Computers Digital Technologies Acceptable Use Policy
Conditions on my studies Academic Progression Policy
Credit decision Credit Transfer Procedure
Deferred exams Student Review and Appeals Policy
Discrimination Bullying, Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy
Exclusion (academic progress) Academic Progression Policy
Fees (domestic students, tuition, full-fee paying) Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy
Fees (HELP) Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy
Fees (international students, tuition) Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy
Fees (other) Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy
Harassment Bullying, Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy
Information resources Library Use Policy
Information technologies Digital Technologies Acceptable Use Policy
Intellectual property Intellectual Property Policy and Procedure
International students: study loads Enrolment Requirements for International Student Visa-Holders Policy
International students: move to another educational institution Transfer of International Student Visa-Holders to Other Educational Institutions
Library facilities Library Use Policy
Overseas studies Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy
Parking Campus Parking Infringements
Personal information Information Privacy Policy and Right to Information Policy
Placements: suitability of student to continue Review of a Student's Suitability to Continue in a Course Involving Placement
Plagiarism Student Academic Misconduct Procedure
Privacy Information Privacy Policy and Right to Information Policy
Re-mark (individual assessment) Learning, Teaching and Assessment Procedure
Research conduct Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
Research degree (not resources or supervision) Higher Degree by Research Requirements
Review of final subject grade Student Review and Appeals Policy
Scholarships (Commonwealth) selection Administration of Commonwealth Scholarships
Sexual Misconduct and Harassment Bullying, Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy
Special consideration (grade changes) Student Review and Appeals Policy
Special exams (grade changes) Student Review and Appeals Policy
Student conduct (inappropriate, non-academic) Student Code of Conduct and Bullying, Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy
Student debts FMPM 270-2: Policy Accounts Receivable (Student Debtors - Penalties)
Supplementary exams Review of Assessment and Student Access to Scripts and Materials Procedure
Suspension (academic progress) Academic Progression Policy and Academic and Statutory Decisions Review and Appeal Procedure
US Federal Aid SAP Requirements for US Federal Aid and US Federal Aid Loans - Return to Title IV