
Policy Academic Governance Coursework Award Finalisation, Conferral and Issuance Procedure

Coursework Award Finalisation, Conferral and Issuance Procedure


This Procedure has been established to provide clear guidance on University requirements and responsibilities for:

  • confirmation of Award completion
  • conferral of coursework Awards
  • administrative preparations for graduation ceremonies
  • issuance of certification documentation to which a Graduate is entitled.

This Procedure addresses Higher Education Standards Framework Standard 1.5 Qualifications and Certification, clauses 1.5.1 to 1.5.8.


This procedure applies to all students of 番茄社区 (番茄社区; the University), including 番茄社区 Singapore and 番茄社区 Brisbane, admitted into a coursework degree requiring the finalisation, conferral and issuance of an Award from 番茄社区.


The definitions used in this policy are found in the Policy Glossary.

Nested Award:  are qualifications that include articulated arrangements from a lower level qualification into a higher level qualification to enable multiple entry and exit points.


1. Confirmation of completion of coursework degrees

1.1 After census date of each Study Period or Trimester, Student Services will identify students who are nearing completion of the credit point requirements of their course.

1.2 Student Services in liaison with the Academy or relevant College will review each identified student’s Study Plan to ensure it meets the academic requirements for course completion, including any additional completion requirements such as current First Aid certificate, as outlined in the Course and Subject Handbook of the year the course was commenced; and confirm by changing the student’s study plan approval level to Completion Approved in the Student Management System.

1.3 As a student nears completion of their course and enrols in the last remaining subject/s, their study plan approval level of Completion Approved will automatically change in the Student Management System from Admitted to Potentially Complete, or Conditionally Complete if any additional completion requirements are unmet.

1.4 Within ten University working days after Census date for the Study Period or Trimester the Examinations and Graduations Office will send to the student’s 番茄社区 email address either:

1.4.1 a Graduation Advice Statement, indicating  the student may be eligible to have their Award conferred upon successful completion of their final enrolled subject/s, and if relevant include: advice that a sanction on the student’s record will prevent graduation until the sanction is cleared and provide information on how to clear; and/or advice that the student’s course status of Conditionally Complete renders them ineligible to Graduate until their outstanding additional course requirements have been met; or

1.4.2 advice that conferral of the student’s award has been denied as an outcome of a student misconduct process.

1.5 Students are required to respond to their Graduation Advice Statement through the student portal (eStudent) by the date indicated to:

1.5.1 Confirm whether they will be attending a graduation ceremony; and

1.5.2 Update their Postal Address; and

1.5.3 Update their Phonetic Name.

1.6 Where a student’s course status in the Student Management System is updated to Passed, the student is thereafter regarded as a Graduand.

1.7 Commencing from the Result Release date of the Study Period or Trimester,  Examinations and Graduations Office will identify and communicate to Graduands whose course status is Passed but are ineligible to have their Award conferred at the next Council meeting due to:

1.7.1 a sanction on the Graduand’s account which prevents graduation; and/or

1.7.2 the University denying the conferral of the Graduand’s Award as an outcome of the breach of a student misconduct process.

1.8 If a Graduand’s course status is set to Passed, the Examinations and Graduations Office will communicate with ineligible students (as identified in 1.7) via 番茄社区 email advising the reason for ineligibility.

1.9 The Examinations and Graduations Office will advise students who remain at a course status of Potentially Complete or Conditionally Complete after result release date and communicate with these students via their 番茄社区 email to advise of their circumstances. This may include failed subjects, non-completion of placement or unmet additional course completion requirements such as First Aid certification.

1.10 The Student Management System will generate an award for all Graduands with a course status of Passed and the Examinations and Graduations Office will allocate the conferral date of the next Council meeting.

1.11 Examinations and Graduations Office will communicate with eligible Graduands to confirm:

1.11.1 their graduating Award; and

1.11.2 graduation ceremony details if opting to attend a ceremony.

2. Conferral of coursework Awards

2.1 The Examinations and Graduations Office will submit a list of Graduands to Secretariat by Council Circular Close Date, with the actual Conferral date being Circular Close Date plus 2 days.

2.2 The Chancellor has delegated authority to executively approve conferral of Awards outside of Council meetings under Section 13.4 Delegations to Chancellor under the 番茄社区 Delegations Schedule.

3. Issuance of graduation documentation

3.1 Within 3 University working days after the conferral date at a Council meeting, the Examinations and Graduations Office will upload all graduation documentation to a digital repository enabling Graduates to access digital copies of their Testamur and Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS).

3.2 An original Testamur will be printed and posted to the Graduate, or can be made available for collection from the Student Centre if requested by the Graduate.

4. Conferral and issuance of coursework Awards completed prior to 2015

4.1 Prior year completions which have not been conferred will be assessed against the requirements of the historical Award rules.

4.2 The testamur issued will reflect the year the course requirements of the Award were fulfilled and the date the Award is conferred.

5. Reissue of testamur

5.1 The Manager, Examination and Graduation may reissue an Award which meets the criteria of Clause 1.4 of the Award Finalisation and Graduation Policy.

5.1.1 In the case of a name change, the Graduate must first apply for a Change of Name, attaching appropriate certified documentation (such as a Birth or marriage certificate)

5.1.2 a Statutory Declaration to advise their testamur has been lost or otherwise destroyed

5.2 Replacement testamurs will be produced in the format and signed by signatories current at the time of request.

5.3 The Graduate may be charged a replacement fee in accordance with the published Incidental and Administration Fees.

5.4 Replacement testamurs will be identified in the Student Management System.

6. Revocation of awards

6.1 The Manager, Examination and Graduations may revoke an award which meets the criteria of Clause 1.5 of the Award Finalisation and Graduation Policy with confirmation from the Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment or Director, Student Services.

6.2 Where an Award is to be revoked the Examinations and Graduations Office will communicate with the Graduate to explain the reason for the decision and arrange the return of the original testamur to the Examinations and Graduations Office.

6.3 The Examinations and Graduations Office will destroy the original testamur and remove related graduation documents from the digital repository.

6.4 Where the Award is revoked in accordance with Clause 1.5.2 of the Award Finalisation and Graduation Policy, the Examinations and Graduations Office will correct any conferral record in the Student Management System and upload to the digital repository (overriding the previous incorrect version) and reissue a correct original testamur.

6.5 The Examinations and Graduations Office will report the revocation of any awards to the Academic Board and University Council annually.

Related policy instruments

Award Finalisation and Graduation Policy

Posthumous Award Procedure

Honorary Award Procedure

Recognition of Academic Excellence Procedure

Academic Dress Procedure

Student Code of Conduct

Student Review and Appeals Policy

Complaint and Conduct Decisions Appeal Procedure

University Seal Procedure


NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance
Policy Sub-domainStudent Experience

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



24-115/04/202401/05/2024Major review - relocation of rules to policy.Manager, Examinations and Graduation




Change to facilitate a student to maintaining 100% credit transfer to a subsequent course

Associate Director, Student Administration and Enrolment




Change to permit reissue of Testamur due to any official name change

Manager, Student Finance and Examinations




Establishment of procedure to support the new Award Finalisation and Graduation Policy

Manager, Student Finance and Examinations


Graduand, Graduation, Graduate, Confer, Conferral, Award, Ceremony, In Absentia, revoke, testamur, AHEGS

Contact person

Manager, Examinations and Graduation