
番茄社区 Feedback and complaints

Feedback and complaints

番茄社区 is committed to having contemporary complaint handling practices that respond to complaints in a positive way.

When you raise your concerns with the University, this allows us to address your concerns and make improvements to benefit the whole University.

Complaints about associated entities such as , , , and must be lodged directly with those bodies.

The University has a number of specific policies to address various complaints. For example, you would report sexual assault and sexual harassment under their own procedures. To ensure your concern is managed promptly and by the most appropriate person, please check our list of policies.

番茄社区 welcomes feedback and perspectives about your experiences as a student. Tell us when something has impressed you, or if you have a suggestion for improvement to our facilities or services. Find out more about providing feedback.

As a 番茄社区 student, you have the right to express concern about anything you have experienced at 番茄社区 that you believe is wrong. If your concern is something which is within the control or responsibility of 番茄社区, and you feel you have been adversely affected by it, we can help resolve it. The mechanisms available to resolve your complaint depends on a number of factors.

If you have received a formal decision from the University and you believe the decision made was procedurally unfair, you should consider submitting an appeal. Please note, unless indicated in policy, appeals are not about the merits of a case but the process that was undertaken to arrive at a decision. Being unhappy with the decision alone is not sufficient grounds to appeal a decision. Read more about appeals.

If you are confused, anxious or dealing with too many personal issues at the same time, there are people and services who may be able to assist.

If you are unable to use the online form, please download one of the fillable PDF versions, ensuring you save the form prior to submitting: