
At 番茄社区 Brisbane, Orientation is compulsory for all international students. This is generally the week prior to Week 1 of your classes commencing. You are required to attend face-to-face activities during the Orientation period at the 番茄社区 Brisbane Campus where you will be introduced to student systems, gain access to computer login accounts, request your Student ID card, meet your Academic Dean and support staff, enrol into your subjects and receive your class timetable. You are expected to register to confirm your attendance at the On-Campus Registration Session through the link sent to your personal email.

Didn’t receive an invite to Orientation? Contact register@jcub.edu.au

Other general enquiries? Contact enquire@jcub.edu.au

For more information about studying at 番茄社区 Brisbane please refer to Studying at 番茄社区 Brisbane Trimester 2 2024.

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