
Study essentials Professional internships

Jump start your career – get real industry experience working in an Australian organisation.

Set yourself apart from your peers with on-the-job training, gaining additional skills and industry experience to complement your degree. Through this unique world class program you can be placed in a professional organisation to work on a real project. Upon completion of your degree, you will have industry experience and a validated referee for your resume, giving you an advantage in a competitive employment environment.

Get in touch

We are located on the seventh floor (Level 6)

Email: employment@jcub.edu.au

Host organisations


Internship details

番茄社区's Internship or Practical Research subject gives you the opportunity to gain hands-on, practical experience working in an Australian business environment. It requires you to complete 10 weeks of unpaid work experience with a minimum of 200 total hours over the trimester. This equates to approximately 20 hours per week with the host company, working on a practical project set by the organisation.

Being part of a corporate team and working together with various business units over the duration of the internship will give you a thorough understanding of, and invaluable insight into, the Australian corporate world.

番茄社区 Brisbane recognises that employers highly value professional experience and demonstrable employability skills. Therefore, this program was designed to give you an advantage and enhance your career opportunities.

Only students who demonstrate professional conduct and strong academic results throughout their studies will be considered for the program. Ultimately, it is the employer who makes the final decision to host a student. Therefore, your professionalism, communication and engagement during the process is critical.

The internship program is available for all students who meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. Ideally have a GPA 5.0 and above (but not a prerequisite)
  2. Studying no more that 3 subjects in final trimester
  3. Not a debtor to the university
  4. No academic misconduct and in good standing
  • Undergraduate students undertake an internship in their final year (subject as an elective)
  • Master's students undertake an internship in their final trimester (as part of subject )
  • For Bachelor students, you must be enrolled into the correct subject ( after approval from the Associate Dean Undergraduate programs)
  • For Master's students, you must be enrolled in and then be selected to participate in an Internship
  • All applications are forwarded to the Dean and Associate Dean of the program for approval
  • Student's must have no academic misconduct reports
  • Student's must have strong communication skills in business English
  • Student's must attend one of our Internship Information Forums that are run in weeks 6-7
  • Increased skills and knowledge
  • Add a competitive edge to your resume with demonstrated work experience within a chosen field
  • Greater confidence and enhanced self-esteem
  • Increased personal and professional networks
  • Access to opportunities that will contribute to personal and professional development
  • Understanding of the professional, industrial and social contexts within today’s corporate business environment
  • Increase capacity for team work and collaboration
  • An ability for critical thinking, analysis and problem solving skills
  • Development of organisational and personal management skills

Ready to apply?

Application process

  1. Attend the Internship Information Forum.
  2. Forward your resume to employment@jcub.edu.au with the subject line “Internship Application”. This email must be sent using your 番茄社区 email address.
  3. You will be emailed an acknowledgment once your application is received.
  4. Your application will be reviewed and processed.
  5. Your application will be forwarded to the Dean for approval.
  6. You will then be advised of the outcome.
  7. If successful, you must attend two workshops prior to the commencement of your internship. You will be notified of these through your 番茄社区 email.
  8. Suitable internship placements will be sourced through Joblinx.
  9. Students enrolled in this subject are unable to leave Brisbane during the placement or the interview period prior to their internship. If you intend to be away you risk having your internship terminated.

If you are unsuccessful in your internship application you can still gain professional experience through a work experience opportunity. For further information please contact Joblinx.


These compulsory workshops provide information to support you in your professional internship by ensuring you:

  • are equipped with the skills required to be successful through the interview process
  • understand Australian workplace culture
  • understand the academic requirements
Study BreakExams Study Break
Commencement     Campus Promotion        
     Student Applications       
      Compulsory "Internship Information Forum" Assessment & Int      
        Placements Sourced

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