
番茄社区 has flexible credit arrangements with other universities and vocational education providers. If you have studied at another university, TAFE or a private tertiary education provider in Australia or overseas, you may be entitled to credit.

Credit calculator

The credit calculator is intended as a guide to help you plan your studies at 番茄社区 and does not guarantee entry into your chosen course. The information provided is only an indication of the possible credit granted for your course. A formal assessment of your credit will be done at the time of processing your application.

Applying for credit

If you are a new student, we encourage you to indicate you are requesting credit on your application form. This will allow sufficient processing time before Orientation Week. Students should tick YES for “CREDIT FOR PREVIOUS STUDY – Are you applying for credit for previous studies?” on the 番茄社区 application form.

Please attach certified copies of the official academic record of the studies undertaken at another institution. You may be asked to provide subject descriptions to assist with assessment. All documents MUST be supplied in English.

If students are applying for credit once they have commenced study, please complete the process at this link Apply for Credit for Previous Study - 番茄社区 Australia.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you withdraw from any enrolled subjects that you have received credit for before the census date or you will be financially liable for these subjects. Students are also encouraged to investigate the possible consequences of shortening their study load in regards to their student visa and future visa applications by contacting the .