
Student resources Student Wellbeing

Free and confidential coaching and counselling services are available to all 番茄社区 Brisbane students. Our qualified counsellors can help you with any personal concerns you may have. Our qualified Student Counsellors can help you to resolve any personal concerns you may have which are impacting your academic performance and/or personal wellbeing.

Student Wellbeing Service is offering online, phone, and in-person sessions, with appropriate distancing and health and safety measures in place.


  • Individual counselling appointments
  • Educational workshops (e.g. managing stress, bullying, homesickness)
  • Support for academic issues
  • Conflict resolution
  • Critical Incident Stress Management
  • Referral to other services as appropriate
  • Managing stress
  • Relationship issues
  • Family issues
  • Finding friends, social skills
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Grief and Loss
  • Academic concerns
  • Mental Health issues
  • Trauma, abuse or violence
  • The impacts of physical illness
  • Anger
  • Homesickness and adjustment to life at uni
  • Sexuality
  • Drug and alcohol use
  • Self esteem

Access: Face-to-face, Teams, and phone consultations available.
Opening hours: 
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm (Excluding Public Holidays)

Mrs Lu Liu, Student Counsellor
Email: studentcounsellor@jcub.edu.au
Phone: 0455 432 919
Location: Level 2, 349 Queen Street, Brisbane

Important phone numbers

Mental health services (available 24 hours)

Helpline (Princess Alexandra Hospital): 1300 642 255

Lifeline: 131 114

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636

Suicide Call Back: 1300 659 467

24 Hour hotlines

Brisbane Sexual Assault Services (Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital): 3636 5206

Men’s Line Australia (Supporting men with family and relationship issues): 1300 789 978

Tenants Queensland: 1300 774 263

Homeless Hotline: 1800 474 753

Allianz Global Assistance Overseas Student Health Cover: 13 67 42

Student Assistance Helpline: 1800 994 989

Medical and Health Information

How to book a General Practitioner GP/doctor as an International Student in Australia

Click the link for details:

What to expect when seeing a doctor in Australia?

Click the for more details.


For all medical emergencies, call 000 (triple zero) for an ambulance from any phone, or 112 from a mobile.

How to book an appointment with a  General Practitioner (GP) or doctor

International students who are currently enrolled at 番茄社区B are billed directly to their Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) if it is , or . However, International student's spouses may have to pay a private fee after a Doctors consult.

About our wellbeing team

The Student Wellbeing team consists of experienced counsellors who have extensive experience in the area of psychological and personal health and wellbeing. Student Counsellors are trained to listen to students and explore ways in which they can offer support and work towards suitable solutions.

Counselling tools

Below is a list of useful mobile apps that the student counselling service recommends. They cover a range of personal help services, you can access at all times.

is a confidential, free and secure space where young people 12 – 25 and their families can chat, email, or speak on the phone with a qualified youth mental health professional.

is a suicide prevention charity that aims to start life-changing conversations.

Important phone numbers

Helpline (Princess Alexandra Hospital): 1300 642 255

Lifeline: 131 114

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636

Suicide Call Back: 1300 659 467

Brisbane Sexual Assault Services (Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital): 3636 5206

Men’s Line Australia (Supporting men with family and relationship issues): 1300 789 978

Tenants Queensland: 1300 774 263

Homeless Hotline: 1800 474 753

Allianz Global Assistance Overseas Student Health Cover: 13 67 42

Student Assistance Helpline: 1800 994 989