
RDIM Terminology


This section provides an alphabetical listing of some of the terminology used in managing research data and information along with the meaning and/or application of these terms.

Click on the letter to see the definitions starting with that letter.


Primary Advisor

An Advisor supervises the HDR candidate throughout the research project. Each HDR candidate has a minimum of two (2) Advisors, the:

  • Primary Advisor who takes the lead for the day-to-day supervision of the HDR candidate; and
  • Secondary Advisor(s) who works with the Primary Advisor in supervising the HDR candidate.
Primary Materials

Primary materials are print, digital or physical objects collected and/or used during scholarly activity and investigation from which research data may be obtained. It includes materials such as ore, biological material, questionnaires, or recordings and also includes durable records derived from them (such as assays, test results, transcripts and laboratory and field notes). Primary material may be research data or research information.

Privacy and Personal Information

Research involving the use of personal information (information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable) must comply with applicable privacy legislation.

- In the state of Queensland, the right to privacy with regard to the use of personal information is enshrined by the Information Privacy Act 2009. With regard to research projects, ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø's Right to Information and Privacy webpages state that 'It is the responsibility of the researcher and the relevant Division/College to ensure compliance with the information privacy principles in the IP [Information Privacy] Act. The personal information should be securely held and access to it should be limited to members of the research team, the funding body, if appropriate, and staff providing assistance to or supervising the research team. Researchers should seek the informed written consent of individuals who will provide personal information for research purposes and keep a record of that consent.

- The federal Privacy Act does not directly apply its own force to universities and research institutions created under state legislation - they are governed by State privacy laws. Universities are however, contractually bound to follow the contained in the Act under funding agreements from Commonwealth agencies including the NHMRC and ARC.