
RDIM Training Videos

Training Videos

These modules are part of the RD7003 Compulsory Workshops for HDR Candidates and can also be accessed via the Higher Degree by Research Students Organisation on Learn番茄社区. Completion of a short quiz on Learn番茄社区 is required.

We also recommend these modules for 番茄社区 researchers.

Module 1: Overview - Management of Data and Information in Research (25 minutes)

Provides crucial information and assistance to researchers to understand their research data and information requirements.

Module 2: Research Data Management Plan or RDMP (14 minutes)

The Research Data Management Plan (RDMP), isn鈥檛 only your 鈥減lanning鈥 record, it also helps you to start thinking about your data.

Module 3: Data Record (10 minutes)

A Data Record is a NON-PUBLIC metadata record of the research data and information generated as part of your research project.

Module 4: Data Publication (15 minutes)

A Data Publication is a PUBLIC metadata record of the data and information generated as part of your research project.