
Policy University Management Long Term Vehicle Use Procedure

Long Term Vehicle Use Procedure


This procedure outlines the requirements of use of a Fleet Vehicle for Long Term Use from the Estate Directorate Vehicle Section, and is to be read in conjunction with the University’s Vehicle Fleet Policy.


This procedure applies to:

  • All Fleet Vehicles, regardless of the funding source, whether motorised or not, that require registration by the relevant transport authority and which are available for Long Term Use from the Estate Directorate Vehicle Section; and
  • All University staff as well as post graduate students, visiting academics, government officials, consultants, volunteers and undergraduate students, who use those vehicles for official business or as part of a remuneration package.

This policy does not apply to executive vehicles.


Defined terms in the Vehicle Fleet Policy have the same meaning in this Long Term Vehicle Hire Procedure.

Long Term Use – the use of a Fleet Vehicle from the Vehicle Section for a period of 13 accounting periods or more.


1. Long Term Use

2. Use of Fleet Vehicles

3. Vehicle Charges

4. Driver Requirements/Responsibilities

5. Care and Maintenance Responsibilities

6. Fuel Purchases

7. Parking and Traffic Violations

8. Security and Garaging

9.  Accidents and Damage

10. Modifications/Accessories

1.  Long Term Use

1.1    Exclusive use of Fleet Vehicles can be arranged by entering into a Long Term Vehicle Hire agreement for the specified period (minimum period of 13 accounting periods).

2.  Use of Fleet Vehicles

2.1    Fleet Vehicles for Long Term Use purposes are only to be used in accordance with the Vehicle Fleet Policy and this procedure.

2.2    Fleet Vehicles are available for use for official business of the University only.

2.3    Long Term Fleet Vehicles must not be used:

  • for private purposes;
  • on any unsealed roads or off road conditions unless authorised in writing;
  • in a dangerous manner;
  • in contravention of any law or road rule;
  • for the carriage of household pets;
  • for the carriage of flammable, explosive or corrosive materials;
  • for towing any vehicle, trailer, boat or other object unless authorised in writing;
  • for the carriage of any greater load and/or persons other than for which the Fleet Vehicle was designed and constructed.

2.4    Members of the public, including relatives of University staff may only be carried as passengers following completion and lodgement of the appropriate form: refer to related policy instruments section at the end of this procedure.

2.5    Undergraduate students are not normally eligible to drive Fleet Vehicles, however with the written application of the relevant Head and approval of the Director Estate, authorisation may be granted for a specific period.

2.6    Four wheel drive and all-wheel drive Fleet Vehicles may only be used off road with the prior written approval of the Vehicle Section.

2.7    Two wheel drive Fleet Vehicles (including buses) are not to be taken off road or used in any rough terrain areas.

2.8    Fleet Vehicles may only tow trailers that have been designed for the purpose and are legally registered with the appropriate authority. The driver must ensure that neither the towing capacity of the Fleet Vehicle, the tow ball download, or the trailer’s load capacity or any combination of these is exceeded.

2.9    Fleet Vehicles are not to be involved, or give the appearance of being involved, in community protests of any nature.

2.10  Smoking is not permitted in Fleet Vehicles.

2.11  Drinking alcohol is not permitted in Fleet Vehicles.

2.12  First Aid Kits will not normally be provided for fleet vehicles.  The decision to carry a first aid kit will be undertaken by the driver, except where other procedures require this e.g. field trips and 4WDs.

2.13  During the period of a Long Term Hire  the driver is required to maintain a log detailing start and finish times, start and finish odometer readings, destination and driver signature, for each use of the Fleet Vehicle.

3.  Vehicle Charges

3.1    Charges will be levied in accordance with the Schedule of Recommended Fees as published on the Financial and Business Services web page. The Long Term Use of a Fleet Vehicle by a user constitutes acceptance by the driver of all fees and charges associated with the Long Term Use.

3.2    Costs relating to third party property or vehicle damage are not included in the usage rates. Insurance excess costs, based on the vehicle type and the age of the driver, will be on-charged to the driver or the relevant Organisational Unit.

3.3    The driver or the relevant Organisational Unit is responsible for, any additional charges they may be incurred with the use of a Fleet Vehicle. Authorisation is given to Estate Directorate to debit the charge code, for any charges incurred in association with the use of a Fleet Vehicle and authorisation is given to Estate Directorate to debit the charge code, for any charges incurred in association with the hire of a Fleet Vehicle.

3.4    Charges may include but are not limited to:

  • the hire charges specified in the Internal Charges Schedule;
  • parking and/or any other traffic violations incurred during the period of use;
  • loss or damage to the Fleet Vehicle attributable to:
  • breach of any term or condition of the Fleet Vehicle Policy or this procedure;
  • a single vehicle incident;
  • the Fleet Vehicle being left unlocked or the keys left in the Fleet Vehicle;
  • loss of the keys to the Fleet Vehicle;
  • water; under body; interior; exterior; tyre or windscreen damage;
  • damage caused by loading or unloading - normal wear and tear excluded;
  • failure to maintain fuel levels of the Fleet Vehicle;
  • failure to properly secure any load or equipment; or
  • excess cleaning requirements

4.  Driver Requirements / Responsibilities

4.1    A driver who meets the driver requirements (including licensing requirements) specified in the Vehicle Fleet Policy may drive a Fleet Vehicle.

4.2    Drivers should familiarise themselves with the University’s Field Trip Procedure and limit their driving times accordingly.

5.  Care and Maintenance Responsibilities

5.1    The Vehicle Section will provide and maintain Fleet Vehicles used for Long Term Use in a roadworthy condition.

5.2    All Fleet Vehicles used for Long Term Use are to be made available to the Vehicle Section, by arrangement of Fleet Supervisor and College Managers, for periodic servicing, maintenance, cleaning and fire extinguisher checks (where applicable) as required.

5.3    Charges for repairs, maintenance, cleaning etc. will be charged to the User as per the Internal Charges Schedule of Recommended Fees as published on the Financial and Business Services web page.

5.4    The Estate Directorate may exchange or replace a Long Term Fleet Vehicle with another Fleet Vehicle of like description at any time during Long Term Use due to financial management or maintenance/safety reasons.

6.  Fuel Purchases

6.1    Fuel purchases are to be made using the fuel card provided with each Fleet Vehicle. Each card is vehicle specific and may only be used for the Fleet Vehicle for which it is issued.

6.2    The Fleet Vehicle odometer reading must be provided to the attendant at each fuel purchase.

7.  Parking and Traffic Violations

7.1    Upon receipt of an infringement notice the Vehicle Section will determine who the driver was at the time of issue and inform the relevant authority by Statutory Declaration. The driver will then be sent a copy of the notice by the authority and the driver will then deal directly with the authority.

7.2    On journeys where there is more than one driver and in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the driver in whose name the Fleet Vehicle is booked will be held responsible.

8.  Security and Garaging

8.1    Home garaging is only permitted when the Fleet Vehicle can be secured off the street and if the departure time is prior to 8am the next working day or after 5pm

8.2    Items such as laptop computers, mobile phones etc., should not be left in an unattended Fleet Vehicle.

8.3    The Estate Directorate is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property including property left in the Fleet Vehicle.

8.4    The vehicle manufacturer or RACQ may provide emergency breakdown cover. The Fleet Vehicle logbook cover will advise the relevant details. Charges may be incurred for some services.

9.  Accidents and Damage

9.1    If a driver of a Fleet Vehicle is involved in an accident, then the driver/Organisational Unit who entered into the agreement must report the accident to the nearest police station, or to a police officer in attendance at the scene, if:

  • a vehicle involved needs to be towed away;
  • any driver involved in the accident does not give his or her particulars to any other drivers involved in the accident; or
  • any person involved is killed or injured.

9.2    If the accident cannot be reported immediately, it must be reported within 24 hours of the event.

9.3    Where none of the circumstances listed in section 9.1 have occurred as a result of the accident, then the driver of the Fleet Vehicle must exchange driver details with the drivers of other vehicles involved in the accident. The appropriate forms for this purpose are enclosed in the Fleet Vehicle logbook.

9.4    All accidents, even of a minor nature must be reported to the Vehicle Section on the forms provided in the Fleet Vehicle logbook. If the damage is not reported on return of the Fleet Vehicle, the driver or the driver’s Organisational Unit will be held responsible for the damage, and repair charges will apply.

9.5    Vehicle Accident Record (Part 1) of the Accident Report Form (refer to Vehicle Forms link in related policy instruments) – to be completed at time of accident and given to other driver/s or person/s involved.

9.6    Vehicle Accident Record (Part 2) of the Accident Report Form (refer to Vehicle Forms link in related policy instruments) – to be completed at time of accident and submitted with Vehicle Accident Report.

9.7    Vehicle Accident Report Form – To be completed and submitted within 48 hours to the Fleet Supervisor, Estate Directorate.

9.8    If towing of a Fleet Vehicle is required, it should only be carried out by an RACQ or University insurer approved operator.

10.  Modifications/Accessories

10.1     Safety accessories such as fire extinguishers, cargo barriers and other safety items will be fitted as appropriate following risk assessments and in accordance with Australian Standards, Queensland Transport Code of Practice and Workplace Health and Safety requirements.

10.2     Other complying modifications or accessories, specifically required by the Hirer or the Hirer’s Organisational Unit, can be negotiated and may incur additional charges.

Related policy instruments

Vehicle Fleet Policy

Vehicle Forms

Related documents and legislation

FMPM 890 Internal Charges


NOTE: Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainUniversity Management
Policy Sub-domainEstate and Facility Management
Policy CustodianDeputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources
Approval AuthorityVice Chancellor
Date for next Major Review19/12/2024

Revision History


Approval date          

Implementation date



19-119/12/201906/01/2020Scheduled review, minor amendment to remove reference to disestablished procedure, other minor administrative amendments.

Manager Operations;  Vehicle Fleet Supervisor, Operations, Estate Directorate




Procedure Established

Manager Operations;  Vehicle Fleet Supervisor, Operations, Estate Directorate

Contact person:Manager Operations, Estate Directorate


Estate Directorate, Vehicle Section, Long Term Hire