
Policy Corporate Governance Organisational Structure Policy

Organisational Structure Policy


This policy defines the corporate structure of the University and articulates the responsibilities and approvals requirements for the establishment of, or changes to the University’s organisational structure.


This policy applies to 番茄社区 Australia (excluding 番茄社区 Brisbane and 番茄社区 Singapore).


Organisational Structure: An Organisational structure is a system used to define a hierarchy of work units and reporting lines within an organisation.

Organisational Code: Refers to the hierarchical numbering system used in the HR and finance systems to identify Divisions, Organisational Groups, Organisational Units and Organisational Teams as follows:

  • X - 番茄社区 Corporate
  • XX - Division (first 2 digits)
  • XXX - Organisational Group (College/Directorate) (first 3 digits)
  • XXXX - Organisational Unit (Academic Group/Unit) (4 digits)
  • XXXXXX – Organisational Team (Clevel – HR System) (6 digits)

Strategic Organisational Level: The University Strategic Organisational Level includes the Corporate and Division Level, also referred to as headline structure.

Organisational Group: An Organisational Group is a reportable group within the University at the College/Directorate level, and the Research Institute/Centre level. The University’s financial controls and reporting occur at Organisational Group level. For administration purposes the Organisational Group is captured by the first 3 digits of the Organisation Code (e.g. 152 – College of Healthcare Sciences).

Organisational Group Head: Organisational Group Heads include:

  • Dean, All roles with the title of
  • Director, All roles with the title of, and reporting to a DVC of a Division or the Vice Chancellor
  • Chief,  All roles with the title of, and reporting to a DVC of a Division or the Vice Chancellor

Organisational Unit: An Organisational Unit (ORGU) is a Discipline, Academic Group, or other smaller work unit reporting to a Director or Dean (organisational group) eg, Engineering, WH&S). The Organisational Unit is captured by the first 4 digits of the Organisation Code (e.g. 1524 – Nursing and Midwifery). The Organisational Unit is the lowest level of the official organisational structure used for financial reporting.

Organisational Team: An Organisational Team is a smaller team within an ORGU and is captured by a 6 digit code, also called a “CLevel” in HR and Finance Systems. The first 4 digits represent the Organisational Unit, and the last two digits represent the team. For example, within Financial and Business Services (Organisational Unit 1070), the Budgeting & Forecasting team has a CLevel of 107010 and the Strategic Procurement team has a CLevel of 107070. The CLevel code is used to determine ICT access, email aliases, building access etc.


1. Proposals for change to the Organisational Structure will be undertaken in accordance with the 番茄社区 Enterprise Agreement.

2. Approval of proposed Structure changes will be in accordance with the Human Resources Sub-delegations Register, and the 番茄社区 Delegations Policy, and consistent with the relevant clauses of the Enterprise Agreement.




The establishment of, or changes, including name changes, to the Organisational Structure at the University Strategic Organisational Level.

Approved by Council, on the recommendation of the Vice Chancellor.

The establishment of, or changes, including name changes, to the Organisational Structure at the Organisational Group Level.

Approved by the Vice Chancellor on the recommendation of the relevant Deputy Vice Chancellor.

The establishment of, or changes, including name changes, to the Organisational Structure at the Organisational Unit Level.

Approved by the relevant Deputy Vice Chancellor.

The establishment of, or changes, including name changes, to the Organisational Structure at the Organisational Team Level.Approved by the relevant Dean, Director or Chief.

Related policy instruments

番茄社区 Delegations Policy

Organisational Structure Procedure

Related documents

Human Resources Sub-delegations Register

番茄社区 Enterprise Agreement


Note: printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainCorporate Governance
Policy Sub-domainRisk, Assurance, Regulatory and Compliance

Policy Custodian

Vice Chancellor

Approval Authority


Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Approval authority

Implementation date



24-1NA - administrativeNA - administrative22/02/2024Administrative amendment to combine roles with the title of Chief (CFO, CDO and CoS).Policy Officer
23-116/03/2023Council14/04/2023Clarification of the levels of the Organisational Structure and differentiation between the official organisational structure and codes used for operational managementDirector, Planning, Performance and Analytics; Chief of Staff.
22-109/08/2022Approved as an administrative amendment by the Director PPA17/08/2022Amendment consequential to organisational restructure announced 13 May 2022.Policy Officer





Policy established to replace FMPM 820 Organisational Units Policy.  Policy provides guidance on the establishment and maintenance of the University organisational structure.

Director, Planning, Performance and Analytics

Keywordscorporate structure, organisational structure,  organisational unit, organisational group, C level,
Contact personChief of Staff