
Policy Academic Governance ResearchOnline Procedure

ResearchOnline Procedure


The collection, preservation and dissemination of 番茄社区 research outputs are achieved through the administration and maintenance of the University’s institutional repository known as ResearchOnline@番茄社区. The repository provides an accurate record of 番茄社区 staff and affiliates, and provides a permanent point of distribution for 番茄社区 research outputs and higher degree research theses.

This procedure outlines the requirements for the deposit and administration of 番茄社区-authored research outputs in ResearchOnline@番茄社区, in compliance with the principles of the 番茄社区 Open Scholarship Policy and the Publication and Dissemination of Research Procedure.


This procedure applies to all research outputs of staff and students of the University according to the Publication and Dissemination of Research Procedure. It includes theses produced by 番茄社区 students enrolled in a higher degree by research.

Additional research support and services provided by Library staff can be found on the I am a Researcher library page.


Except as otherwise specified below, the meaning of terms used in this procedure are as per the 番茄社区 Open Scholarship Policy.

Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) – the national research evaluation framework administered by the Australian Research Council (ARC).

Reportable Research Outputs - refers to research outputs that are eligible for internal and external (e.g., ERA) reporting. Reportable research outputs have the following classifications in ResearchOnline@番茄社区:

  • Traditional Research Outputs
    • Research - A1: Authored research book
    • Research - B1: Chapter in research book
    • Research - C1: Refereed article in scholarly journal
    • Research - E1: Refereed full paper in a conference proceeding
  • Non-Traditional Research Outputs (NTROs) – (require a research statement)
    • Creative Work: Includes original work, live performance, recorded/rendered work or curated/produced exhibition/event
    • External Commissioned Report: Research report commissioned or solicited by an external body

Table of Contents


The University strongly encourages all research outputs to be made publicly available to maximise discovery, impact and public benefit of 番茄社区 research. Any reportable research outputs must be deposited in ResearchOnline@番茄社区.

1.  番茄社区 Authors

番茄社区 authors will:




Be responsible for self-depositing or claiming their work, as authors must submit, classify and provide basic bibliographic metadata of their own work.


Deposit their ERA-reportable research outputs immediately upon publication (these are subject to annual internal and external reporting).


Deposit research outputs from only the last 5 years or within the current ERA reporting period.


Be required to practice due diligence and be alert to fraudulent and substandard editorial and peer-review practices before publication as such outputs may be deemed to be non-reportable outputs.


Be responsible for any copyright violations or infringements within the outputs.

2. 番茄社区 Library

番茄社区 Library will:




Provide, administer and manage ResearchOnline@番茄社区.


Monitor and provide guidance for the self-deposit of research outputs including copyright, eligibility assessment and authors’ rights.


Monitor compliance with the University’s reporting requirements to ensure correct classifications and publishing standards are being met.


Initiate communication with relevant stakeholders when questionable, fraudulent or substandard editorial and publishing practices may have occurred or when a breach of the 番茄社区 Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (Research Code) has been identified.


Determine publication restrictions as required, verify access rights and manage relevant embargo periods.


Consult with relevant senior research staff including Dean of Research, Associate Deans of Research and/or Directors, Deans, and Manager, Research Strategy and Performance if disputes about research outputs arise.


Deposit and process 番茄社区 PhD, Professional Doctorate, and Masters by Research theses as per the HDR Thesis – Library Deposit Guide.

3. 番茄社区 Research Division

番茄社区 Research Division will:




Provide and administer the Research Information Management System (RIMS).


Provide reports and data based on the deposits in ResearchOnline@番茄社区.


Provide guidance on research strategies and objectives in order to support ResearchOnline@番茄社区.


Take responsibility for matching and normalising author data for consistency and accurate reporting.

4. Deposit Requirements




Authors may deposit the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) of a research output at any time after the acceptance for publication has been received in writing from their publisher.


It is not acceptable to deposit pre-print material such as a submitted manuscript that has not been peer reviewed.


The bibliographic details of the following research outputs may be included in ResearchOnline@番茄社区 but the full-text content may not be publicly visible or accessible:

  • Outputs intended for commercial purposes
  • Outputs that are restricted because of cultural sensitivity
  • Outputs that contain sensitive data or confidential information
  • Outputs that are subject to intellectual property (IP) protection
  • Outputs for which the author has entered into an incompatible licensing or copyright agreement or would infringe any other legal obligation


The following research outputs can be voluntarily deposited but are not reported on:

  • Research outputs which have been peer-reviewed but do not meet the Australian Research Council’s requirements for ERA-reportable research (e.g. very brief research articles, editorials, textbooks, clinical guides or reference articles)
  • Scholarly outputs that are not peer reviewed such as technical papers, reports, letters, commentaries, legal submissions or discussion papers
  • Non-refereed conference material such as conference papers, presentations, abstracts or posters
  • Higher degree research theses awarded by external institutions

Please note that research outputs outside these categories may be deemed out of scope and not added to ResearchOnline@番茄社区.




The deposit of material into ResearchOnline@番茄社区 does not transfer copyright to the University.


The inclusion, use and access to material in ResearchOnline@番茄社区 is subject to copyright law and agreement with the copyright owner.


Authors will ensure they have obtained all necessary copyright clearances for any third-party material included in their research outputs.


Authors are encouraged to negotiate with publishers to retain copyright control over their own work.


If the publisher requires the transfer of copyright, authors must assert their right to deposit an Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) and make this version of the work publicly accessible.


Where the deposit of the full text of a research output is not permitted due to copyright or other restrictions, only the bibliographic metadata will be publicly available in ResearchOnline@番茄社区.

6. Withdrawal and Preservation




All records and deposited content will be retained indefinitely unless otherwise required.


All requests for withdrawal must be in writing and require the approval of the Procedure sponsor.


Content that is approved for withdrawal is not deleted; however, the full text content will be removed from public view.


A bibliographic record with a corresponding withdrawal note will remain visible so that any citations can be traced back. The content of the note will indicate if the work is removed at the request of the author, the copyright owner, by legal order or at the discretion of the University.


Material may be withdrawn from public view in the following circumstances:

  • If a copyright owner requests removal through the issue of a copyright infringement notice
  • If the content is scurrilous, plagiarised, self-plagiarised or libellous
  • If the content breaches the 番茄社区 Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
  • If the content would infringe a legal University commitment or contract
  • If the author requests removal and the University agrees to its withdrawal.


The withdrawal of a thesis is subject to HDR policies, procedures and guidelines with a written request sent to the Dean, Graduate Research School, for approval.


Changes to material after being deposited are not permitted. Errata or corrigenda may be included with the original material if required. An updated version of an item may be allowed.

Related Policy Instruments

Open Scholarship Policy

Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research

Intellectual Property Policy and Procedure

Managing and Investigating Potential Breaches of the 番茄社区 Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research Procedure

Publication and Dissemination of Research Procedure

Staff Code Conduct


NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Research Management

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date






Procedure established to support the 番茄社区 Open Scholarship Policy

Associate Director, Information Resources


ResearchOnline@番茄社区, publication, research output, authors, authorship, dissemination, institutional repository

Contact person

Director, Library Services and University Librarian