
Policy Academic Governance Publication and Dissemination of Research Procedure

Publication and Dissemination of Research Procedure


Publication and dissemination of research is an important part of the research process, passing on benefits to a diverse range of potential beneficiaries of research, including other researchers, sponsors, consumers, industry, policy-makers and the public.

In compliance with the principles of the 番茄社区 Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (Research Code), specifically Principles 1-4, 6-7 and Responsibilities 23, 27 and the Managing and Investigating Potential Breaches of the 番茄社区 Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research Procedure, Authorship Procedure and Research Supervision Procedure, this Procedure assists researchers to understand best practice in the publication and dissemination of their research findings. Some of the definitions and other text in this Procedure are reproduced from the NHMRC Guide, Publication and dissemination of research.


This Procedure applies to all University staff and students that conduct research under 番茄社区 auspices.



Means traditional and non-traditional research outputs including but not limited to: journal articles, book chapters, books, original creative works, performances and exhibitions, conferences, interviews, pre-prints** and social media.

**When choosing pre-prints researchers must be aware of their obligations under the Research Code and this Procedure.

Research Online

番茄社区 Research Repository


Dissemination of research findings is an integral part of any research activity. It is 番茄社区’s obligation to disseminate the benefits of research as widely as possible. Publication and dissemination of research improves researchers’ capacity for innovation, encourages collaboration, and builds trust and engagement with the wider community. It is also the expectation of public funders that research findings are made widely available through various avenues of dissemination. This Procedure applies to all forms of dissemination of research findings, refereed and non-refereed.


1.  University Responsibilities

番茄社区 is committed to promoting and fostering accurate dissemination and publication of research findings. 番茄社区 will ensure that:

  • researchers understand the relevant contractual obligations in any research agreement, especially those relating to publication and any such restrictions or limitations on publication;
  • all parties involved in a research activity are made aware of the nature and extent of confidentiality agreements;
  • intellectual property rights of the institution, the researcher, research trainees and sponsors of the research are protected, as appropriate, especially in relation to limits on publication;
  • sponsors, other collaborators, including funders of research do not delay or unreasonably withhold consent to publication;
  • researchers will be assisted in effective external communication of research findings to the wider community guided by the relevant 番茄社区 policies and procedures;
  • publication and reporting of research findings acknowledge all interested parties, such as funding bodies sponsors and collaborators in the research.

番茄社区 Research Repository

It is a mandatory requirement for 番茄社区 research outputs to be deposited into the University’s research repository “Research Online” in accordance with the Research Repository Policy. Mandatory deposit applies to:

  • Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC) recognised publications that are authored or co-authored by members of the 番茄社区 community including staff, students and adjunct staff.
  • 番茄社区 Higher Degree Research theses.

Researchers may also make voluntary deposits of refereed and non-referred research outputs.

2.  Researcher Responsibilities

Disseminate research findings

Researchers have a responsibility to their colleagues and the wider community to disseminate a full and transparent account of their research as broadly as possible, including but not limited to:

  • the account must be complete, and, where applicable, include negative findings and results contrary to their hypotheses;
  • avoid bias in reporting, the decisions about how the research will be published or disseminated must not be inappropriately influenced by the nature and direction of the results;
  • publication activities must take account of any legal restrictions relating to intellectual property and contractual arrangements and researchers must also be aware and negotiate any unjustified publication embargoes on research findings;
  • researchers must also take into account the limitations necessitated by patent applications**, legitimate publication and fee requirements and the increased costs of presenting findings to one’s peers for  critical input;
  • publication and dissemination activities must take into account any restrictions involving ethical, confidential, cultural and sensitive information;
  • researchers are accountable for and must consider the consequences of their research findings prior to communication, including where research outputs have the potential to cause harm to human, animal, plant health or the environment or national security;
  • if appropriate, researchers should consider registering research plans or protocols prior to the commencement of research.
  • In relation to clinical trial and cohort studies involving participants or health interventions, the trial must be registered on a publicly accessible register complying with international standards before the recruitment of the first participant;
  • if appropriate, resources supporting research results should be published or allowed to be accessed by interested parties, including research data, survey instruments, tools and coding manuals;
  • if feasible, researchers must provide research participants with an appropriate summary of the research results.

Researchers must be aware of questionable or unscrupulous practices such as predatory publishing/publications/conferences and ensure that their research is disseminated in accordance with scholarly best practice, the Research Code and this Procedure.

**Patents are also a legitimate way to publish research results – see NHMRC Open Access Policy and ARC National Principles of Intellectual Property Management for Publicly Funded Research.

Communication of research findings

Researchers should communicate their research findings in easily accessible forms to the widest appropriate audiences, including research end-users such as government, industry, not-for-profit organisations, consumers and the general public.

Where research findings are of particular significance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and communities, the research must be presented in a format that is culturally appropriate and acceptable to that community.

Researchers must carefully consider the most effective way to communicate research findings in a public forum where there is scope for audience misunderstanding of results, including but not limited to:

  • not discussing research findings in the public arena until the findings have been tested through peer review. (The public arena does not include professional conferences, when it is in the national interest, or in the context of a public health crisis. In these circumstances the status of the research findings should be made clear, for example, still in progress, finalised, published or unpublished.)
  • to maximise understanding about research findings, researchers must undertake to promptly inform those directly impacted by the research, including interested parties, before any findings are released to a public forum.
  • present research findings with commercial elements, contractual obligations and patent requirements to the appropriate bodies before public release.
  • comply with any restrictions on communications that have been agreed with the research sponsor.
  • comply with the relevant 番茄社区 policies and procedures for external communication.

Accuracy and Disclosure

Researchers are responsible for the accuracy of their research findings and must take all reasonable steps to ensure that methodology, data and findings are accurate and properly reported and consistent with international guidelines and conventions appropriate to the relevant discipline/s. If they become aware of misleading or inaccurate statements about their work, they must correct the record as soon as possible. Researchers must also:

  • ensure that they cite and acknowledge their own work and the work of others (including primary sources and data whether published or unpublished) accurately and in accordance with the Research Code, 番茄社区 Authorship Procedure and Research Supervision Procedure;;
  • acknowledge the host institution/s and all funding sources of the research, including in-kind support for the research;
  • disclose relevant interests and manage conflicts of interest in accordance with the Research Code and the Disclosure of Interests and Management of Conflicts of Interest Procedure.

Multiple Submissions and Permissions Republishing

Researchers must obtain permission from the original publisher or copyright owner before republishing their own or others’ research findings. Any republishing must also be in accordance with any contractual arrangements for the research output.

Researchers may publish the same research in more than one publication, such as in an original journal article, followed by publication in book form and/or in anthologies, collections and translations but a researcher who submits substantially the same research findings to more than one publisher, or who submits work similar to work already published, must:

  • disclose the details of the publication/s at the time of submission;
  • disclose the details of the publications/s in the work itself to prevent any such re-use having the effect of portraying previously presented ideas or data as new.

A duplicate publication without acknowledgement of the source of original publication is a breach of the Research Code.

3.  Training and Education

Researchers have an obligation to engage in the training and education provided by 番茄社区 in regard to their responsibilities under the Research Code, including publication and dissemination of research.

4.  Potential Breaches of the 番茄社区 Research Code

Any concerns or complaints about potential breaches of the Research Code in relation to publications and dissemination of research must be managed in accordance with the Managing and Investigating Potential Breaches of the 番茄社区 Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research Procedure. Examples of breaches of the Research Code related to publication and dissemination of research include, but are not limited to:

  • Fabrication, falsification or misrepresentation of research data or source material in a research output or any communication including social media and grant applications;
  • Plagiarism of someone else’s work, including theories, concepts, research data and source material;
  • duplicate publication (also known as multiple publication or self-plagiarism) without acknowledgement of the source or original publication;
  • failure to maintain records required by an export control body as a condition of publication and dissemination;
  • failure to take active, reasonable and timely steps to correct the public record upon becoming aware of errors or misleading information in published outputs;
  • public dissemination of research (for example via social media) that is yet to be tested in peer review without providing an appropriate caution or caveat;
  • failure to comply with a restriction on publication or dissemination imposed by a sponsor, ethics, or biosafety review body or other approved body (including an export control authority).

Related policy instruments

番茄社区 Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (Research Code)

Authorship Procedure

Disclosure of Interests and Management of Conflicts of Interest Procedure

Managing and Investigating Potential Breaches of the 番茄社区 Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research Procedure

Open Scholarship Policy

Researcher Supervision Procedure

Staff Code of Conduct Policy

Other related documents


NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance
Policy Sub-domainResearch Management

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date






Procedure established to support the 番茄社区 Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research Policy.

Manager, Research Grants, Ethics and Integrity – Research and Innovation Services


Research Code, Publication, Dissemination, Research Findings

Contact person:

Manager, Research Grants, Ethics and Integrity