
College of Science and Engineering Recent news in Science and Engineering

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Recent news in Science and Engineering

How long does it take coral reefs to recover from bleaching?
Wed, 20 Feb 2019
New research reveals it could take coral reefs around a decade to recover from bleaching, and that’s only if the reef isn’t threatened by re-bleaching or extreme weather such as a cyclone.

Citizen scientists to help map the reef
Thu, 14 Feb 2019
番茄社区 is calling for volunteers to help map the seafloor around the Great Barrier Reef to better protect the natural icon.

New global database to guide coral restoration
Mon, 11 Feb 2019
番茄社区 researchers say a massive new research database will help experts make better decisions about the restoration of coral reefs.

Climate change may destroy tiger鈥檚 home
Mon, 11 Feb 2019
A 番茄社区 scientist says the last coastal stronghold of an iconic predator, the endangered Bengal tiger, could be destroyed by climate change and rising sea levels over the next 50 years.

Scientists offer solutions to protect coastal populations
Fri, 1 Feb 2019
A 番茄社区 scientist has joined more than 150 others from around the world to demonstrate how to protect coastal and estuarine areas as pressures from climate change and human encroachment increase.

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