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Engineering Academic Staff

Photo of Bouchra Senadji

Bouchra Senadji

Head, Engineering

Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering


Zi Sheng (Albert) is currently a Lecturer in Engineering at the College of Science and Engineering at 番茄社区, Australia. He is also an International Program Coordinator working with Xi'an University of Technology for teaching and planning for the partnership program.

Senior Lecturer

Bithin researches water resources systems, Al Applications, Surface and Groundwater Modelling and Remediation, Droughts, Coastal aquifers management and mine site contamination.

Electronics and Software Engineer

Dr. Philippa focuses on software and modelling. He seeks to apply computational methods to diverse applications, from organic semiconductors to sensors and automation in smart agriculture.

Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering

Elsa obtained her PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from 番茄社区 in 2018. Previously she was Head of Advanced Ceramics Department, capitalising more than ten years' employment within industry undertaking research projects.

Lecturer, Electronic Systems and IoT Engineering

Dr Eric Wang has been conducting the research and implementation of IoT technology since 2007. His research focuses on integrating IoT technology in smart houses, smart industries and smart cities.

Senior Lecturer, Chemical Engineering

Dr Vamvounis has a PhD in Polymer Chemistry. His research now focuses on engineering new conjugated polymers for sensors, solar cells and transistors.


Jeremy teaches first and second year subjects in mathematics, physics and engineering. His research areas include mathematical modelling and machine design.

Senior Lecturer

Dr Jiajia Yang received his B.E. degree from Northeast Electric Power University, China, M.E. degree from Zhejiang University, China, and Ph.D. degree from the University of New South Wales, Australia, in 2011, 2014 and 2018 respectively, all in electrical engineering.


John Ginger is Research Director at the Cyclone Testing Station, researching wind engineering. He is also Chief Investigator in a Bushfire & Natural Hazards CRC project and an ARC Linkage project.

Lecturer, Electrical Engineering

Dr Leong's primary research involves characterisation of materials at microwave frequencies. He has worked at NIST (Boulder, CO), Hill Michael and Associates and Ergon Energy.

Lecturer, Chemical Engineering

Liyuan's research interests focus on application of fuel cell technology, biomass gasification and gas cleaning technology to renewable energy systems founded by strong fundamentals in mathematical modelling and materials investigations.

Senior Lecturer, Civil Engineering

Dr Sadat-Noori’s research interests include water resources management, surface and groundwater hydrology and connectivity, water quality and treatment, and environmental restoration.

Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering

Mehdi obtained his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in 2018, focusing on the numerical investigation of conjugate natural convection boundary layers. The main application of his research is heat transfer in buildings and ventilation.

Head of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Associate Dean Research Education

Professor Jacob's research interests include: Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Technique, Graphene, Organic Semiconductors, RF Plasma Polymerisation, Microwave Pyrolysis.

Senior Lecturer, Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Mostafa's research lies in the areas of neural-inspired computing, embedded system designs, hardware acceleration of machine learning algorithms, memristive computing, and nanoelectronics.

Professor, Associate Dean, Industry and Innovation

Lecturer, Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Dr Kenny is an expert in signals processing and teaches in the engineering program. His teaching focus is on Digital Signals Processing and digital logic software implementations.

Lecturer, Civil Engineering

Dr To has research expertise in numerical simulation, geotechnical and dam engineering. His interests include soil (surface and internal) erosion, slope stability, consolidation and ground improvement

Senior Lecturer, Associate Dean Learning and Teaching, CSE

Dr. Tuladhar's research interests include innovative construction Materials, durability of concrete, seismic design, strengthening of aged infrastructure, sustainable design and engineering education.

Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering

Dr Situ's research interests are two-phase flow experimentation and modelling, environmental fluid mechanics, and bio-fuel engine technologies.

Associate Professor

Associate Professor Sivakugan received his Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, with First Class Honours, and MSCE and PhD from Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA. His writings include eight books, seven book chapters, 150 refereed international journal papers, 100 refereed international conference papers, and more than 100 consulting reports.

Lecturer, Electronic Systems and Internet of Things Engineering

Dr Steph Baker is a computer systems engineer with multidisciplinary research interests. Her main research interest is the use of artificial intelligence to solve significant problems in areas from healthcare to environmental science. Much of her research to date has focused on healthcare, which has allowed her to make significant contributions in health monitoring and prognostics assessment.

Lecturer, Electronic Systems and IoT Engineering

Dr Huang's research interests are Deep Learning, Smart Sensing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Future Wireless Communications, and IoT Security.

Head of the Mechanical Engineering

Professor Lin's research fields include; buoyancy-driven flow and heat transfer, stratified flows, CFD, and solar thermal engineering. He has participated in 8 ARC Discovery Projects.

Senior Lecturer, Electronic Systems and Internet of Things

Dr. Yang Du was a researcher at the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, UAE, and a lecturer at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China. Dr. Du has expertise in solar PV systems, power electronics, and solar forecasting, all connected by a central theme: advancing the adoption of renewable energy.