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Zoology and Ecology Staff

Head of Zoology and Ecology, Vertebrate Ecologist

Lin researches invasive species biology and control, and effects of anthropological activities such as grazing and introduced vegetation on vertebrate ecology, habitat use and predator-prey dynamics.

Associate Professor, Biodiversity & Conservation Biologist

Conrad is focused on biodiversity – its discovery and description, how it evolves and interacts, and how we can conserve it. His research involves many different techniques, from field biology, to genomics, to experimental biology.

Director, Australian Tropical Herbarium

Darren’s career has involved studies of the origins, evolution and classification of plants. He has researched biomes in Venezuela, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Malaysia, and New Zealand.

Senior Lecturer, Ecological Geneticist and Innovator

Heather's research is in a new field of genetics which uses environmental DNA (eDNA) and metabarcoding to monitor tropical freshwater biodiversity. She mainly works on fish and frogs.

Senior Research Fellow, Terrestrial Ecologist

Professor, Plant Ecophysiologist

Lucas' research seeks to understand the environmental and biological controls on carbon dioxide and water vapour exchange between plants and the atmosphere, using a range of measurement techniques.

Lecturer, Terrestrial Ecologist

Lyanne's interests are broad, with focuses on social behaviours of animals, and their behavioural adaptations to environmental change, like climate change and urbanization. Her work uses approaches from the fields of behaviour, molecular ecology, genetics, and population and demographic modelling based on a thorough understanding of animals in the wild.

Emeritus Professor, Plant Ecophysiologist

Joe researches the mechanisms that permit plants to survive when times are tough. He has a particular focus on how plant species with crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) respond to temperature and water-limitation.

Professor, Ecologist

Lori focuses on how human-induced environmental changes, such as biological invasions, affect interactions among species. Much of her research has investigated invasive social insects.

Senior Lecturer, Evolutionary Biologist

Megan's research is field- and laboratory-based in evolution, ecology, and genetics, with a focus on animal adaptation, natural and sexual selection, and speciation.

Lecturer, Terrestrial Ecologist

Myles's research focuses on the movement ecology, particularly migration, of insects and the influence of migratory species on ecosystems. His research spans a range of fields such as community ecology, plant ecology, animal behaviour, global change ecology, and conservation biology.

Professor, Rainforest Ecologist

Susan studies the impacts of human land use and climate change on biodiversity. Her research pertains directly to the restoration of degraded ecosystems and the conservation of endangered species.

Senior Lecturer, Animal Behaviourist

Tasmin teaches teach plant and animal diversity, fundamentals of biology and evolutionary biology. She has a fondness for rodents and is actively investigating various aspects of their behaviour.

Professor, Plant Ecologist

Will teaches a range of subjects in ecology, diversity, quantitative methods and ecosystem assessment. He has interests in investigating a wide range of ecological patterns and processes and his work is very much cross-disciplinary.

Distinguished Professor, Conservation and Terrestrial Biologist

Bill Laurance is a tropical conservation biologist who works in the Asia-Pacific, Amazonia, and African ecosystems. He is the author of nearly 600 scientific and popular publications.