
College of Science and Engineering Recent news in Science and Engineering

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Recent news in Science and Engineering

Scientists think they鈥檝e found Aussie defender鈥檚 last resting place
Fri, 6 Sep 2019
A 番茄社区 scientist believes his team may have found the wreck of a US warship sunk defending Australia more than 77 years ago during WWII.

Award for 番茄社区鈥檚 environmental watchdogs
Fri, 30 Aug 2019
番茄社区 has won a prestigious award for helping safeguard the environment near Queensland ports.

Solar and batteries to cut power bills
Wed, 21 Aug 2019
A 番茄社区 scientist says combining solar panels and batteries in residential homes will solve the problem of Queensland’s power supply and demand being out of sync, and substantially reduce electricity prices.

New tags help track baby rays
Fri, 16 Aug 2019
番茄社区 researchers have developed a new way of tracking juvenile stingrays, making it easier to manage and protect the elusive animal.

Marine heatwaves a bigger threat to coral reefs than previously thought
Fri, 9 Aug 2019
Marine heatwaves are a much bigger threat to coral reefs than previously thought, as research reveals a previously unrecognised impact of climate change.

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