
College of Science and Engineering Recent news in Science and Engineering

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Recent news in Science and Engineering

Corals survive to tell the tale of Earth鈥檚 newest island eruption
Mon, 9 Dec 2019
Scientists say coral reefs on a tiny island in the South Pacific have shown incredible resilience and recovery from a recent but very severe disturbance: a volcanic eruption that created a new island.

Call for co-operation as blue boats rob Pacific reefs
Wed, 4 Dec 2019
A flotilla of Vietnamese fishing boats with crews suffering in harsh conditions is stripping Pacific coral reefs of seafood as the poaching escalates to become an international human rights and security issue.

Change in aquaculture vital if billions more to be fed
Fri, 29 Nov 2019
A research team from 番茄社区 has been investigating how aquaculture can be made sustainable, to help feed a world with more than nine and a half billion people and deteriorating natural sources of food.

Finding Nemo鈥檚 family: a good home is more important than good genes
Thu, 28 Nov 2019
In a world-first study, scientists find the long-term success of the clownfish has very little to do with good genes but instead depends on whether they’re born into and are living in the best places.

Heat waves, fires, droughts and the environment: what do we need to know in a changing climate?
Wed, 20 Nov 2019
A new study drawing on eight years of intensive research has produced 18 immediate priorities for managing our natural ecosystems and dealing with climate change – while recognising economic and logistical realities.

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