
CPHMVS News and Events

News and Events

Night shift more at risk from Covid
Thu, 25 Mar 2021
A 番茄社区 researcher has found night shift workers have almost double the risk of catching COVID-19, and suggests they may need to be recognised as a vulnerable group.

Magnetic attraction: breakthrough test for malaria
Fri, 19 Feb 2021
After nearly a decade of research, a new test that detects the magnetic properties of malaria-infected blood could soon be used to help eliminate the mosquito-borne disease.

Psychedelic drug may free addicts
Thu, 11 Feb 2021
As the use of psychedelic drugs comes back into favour in psychotherapy, a 番茄社区 study has found there may be benefits in using the traditional South American concoction ayahuasca to treat those with serious addiction problems.

Refugee stress and molecular mental health
Tue, 2 Feb 2021
Researchers have been examining psychiatric disorders in refugees – and believe more work in this field will lead to a better understanding of how people cope with stress at a molecular level.

It鈥檚 not just cricket
Thu, 28 Jan 2021
The thought of eating insects is already stomach turning for many, but new research suggests allergy-causing proteins in bugs could pose serious health risks for those suffering from shellfish allergy.

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