
CPHMVS Research Vet Science Animal Production Group

Animal Production Group


Agricultural production and services contribute 3% to Australia’s total gross domestic product with the gross value of Australian agriculture in 2011-12 being $46.7 billion. Agricultural production plays a vital role in alleviating poverty, sustaining the health of human populations and in socioeconomic development. Our research group is focused on improving the efficiency and productivity of both national and international agricultural sectors with a particular emphasis on tropical regions.

Facilitates used @ 番茄社区 – Facilities for our research include the James Cook Tropical Veterinary Research station, pathology and microbiology laboratories, facilities for the housing of a range of domestic animals, assay of hormones and cell populations which are located within the Discipline of Veterinary Science. Further access to facilities is also available through collaborative arrangements with the CSIRO and Department of Primary Industries.

Research and Development

Our current research areas include improving artificial breeding technologies and synchronisation of oestrus, reproductive physiology, methods of contraception in cattle, understanding processes involved in natural resistance to cattle ticks and pathology associated with diseases affecting agricultural and aquatic animals. We are also conducting a number of studies within the goat industry to improve productivity within this agricultural sector.

Industry Engagement

Current research projects are funded through Meat and Livestock Australia, Agrimix and Ausaid. Members also contribute to a range of professional organisations, outreach activities and publications to disseminate knowledge on improving agricultural production.

Staff/ HDR students –research team

Our current research team encompass a diverse range of skills and experiences which are currently contributing to projects which enhance agricultural production within tropical regions. Current staff and their areas of expertise are listed.



John Cavalieri


Peter Chenoweth


Constantin Constantinoiu


Sandra DeCat

Small ruminant health and production

Leo Foyle

Public health, aquaculture

Chris Gardiner

Agronomy, pasture improvement

Bruce Gummow

Epidemiology and preventive medicine

Linda Hayes


Robert Hedlefs

Disease surveillance and control cattle medicine

Carolynne Joone


Allan Kessel


Donna Martin

Ruminant nutrition

Damien Paris


Jaqueline Pickard

Microbiology and infectious diseases

Glen Walker

Ruminant nutrition

HDR students – 2 PhD

Contact: A/Prof. John Cavalieri, Discipline of Veterinary Science, 番茄社区. E-mail: john.cavalieri@jcu.edu.au; Tel: 47814438