
CPHMVS News and Events

News and Events

Triage rules needed for health workers
Tue, 25 May 2021
A warning has been issued that Australian health workers face legal risks if they make triage decisions during a disaster – and the COVID-19 pandemic has brought the problem sharply into focus.

Migrants not more likely to drown
Tue, 27 Apr 2021
Contrary to popular belief, migrants don’t drown at a higher rate than Australian-born people, according to new research from 番茄社区 and Royal Life Saving Society - Australia.

In search of a cure: new findings on cell behaviour
Fri, 23 Apr 2021
New findings into how the body’s immune cells communicate with each other could change the way researchers look at diseases such as malaria, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s.

Pre-school mole count shows cancer risk
Fri, 16 Apr 2021
番茄社区 researchers have shown counting moles on pre-school kids can accurately predict the risk of the most aggressive form of skin cancer, melanoma, in later life.

DNA testing reveals hidden coral diversity
Sat, 3 Apr 2021
A new study has revealed “cryptic species” of coral that appear identical to each other but are genetically distinct and have different ecological roles, raising questions over the best way to protect them.

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