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Our research disciplines

CBLG conducts research in a variety of disciplines that cut across economics, law, and business. In these research disciplines CBLG not only advances professional know-how and practices but also produces theoretical and methodological advances.

Strategy and Operations

CBLG’s main areas of research in this discipline include strategic change & performance; entrepreneurship & innovation; and operations, project & supply chain management.

Some of the disciplinary journals in which our academics have published include Academy of Management Review, Organization Studies, Journal of International Business Studies, Long Range Planning, International Journal of Production Research, Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, Journal of Business Research and Journal of Product Innovation Management.

Strategy and Operations Research Champion: Professor Adrian Kuah

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Marketing (and Tourism)

CBLG’s main areas of research in this discipline include customer experience management; and pro-social/pro-environmental marketing. Many of the researchers have a strong focus on research that relates to the tourism, hospitality and events sector.

Some of the disciplinary journals in which our academics have published include Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, International Journal of Research in Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research and Journal of Travel Research.

Marketing Research Champion: Professor Siggi Gudergan

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Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

CBLG’s main areas of research in this discipline include change management & leadership; workforce management & wellbeing; and employment relations.

Some of the disciplinary journals in which our academics have published include International Journal of Human Resource Management, Organization Studies, Management Learning, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources andPersonnel Review.

Human Resource Management Research Champion: Dr Leigh-ann Onnis

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With a strong focus on applied economics, CBLG’s main areas of research in this discipline include environmental & natural resource economics; labour & development economics; and international economics.

Some of the disciplinary journals in which our academics have published include Energy Economics, Ecological Economics, European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Environmental Management, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Energy Policy.

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Finance and Accounting

CBLG’s main areas of research in this discipline include corporate governance, accounting & auditing; financial planning, inclusion & literacy; and fintech.

Some of the disciplinary journals in which our academics have published include Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Journal of Behavioral Finance, Global Finance Journal and Accounting and Finance.

Finance Research Champion: A/Professor Huiping Zhang

Accounting Research Champion: Dr Mohammad Azim

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CBLG’s main areas of research in this discipline include justice & legal ethics; administrative, international, employment & intellectual property law; and conflict resolution management.

Law Research Champion: A/Professor Louise Floyd

gavel sitting on books.