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News and Partnerships

The College of Business, Law and Governance is proud to collaborate with a number of organisations and initiatives across the Cairns and Townsville regions. These mutually beneficial partnerships thrive on innovation and drive success. Together we support a passion for learning, the local community, and the Tropics. Below is a snapshot of some of the programs and organisations the College is a part of.

We also host a number of events each year for our students and the wider community.

- see news release


Prize offered for thoughts on hotel reviews
Fri, 12 Jun 2020
番茄社区 researchers are investigating how influential online reviews can be when choosing a hotel, and are offering a $100 prize to people who participate in their survey.

Online classes will help prepare kids for the future
Thu, 30 Apr 2020
School students’ experience of learning online during the coronavirus pandemic will help prepare them for a digital future, and we should embrace this unexpected opportunity, says a 番茄社区 researcher.

Win-win with Indigenous environmental programs
Wed, 1 Apr 2020
番茄社区 researchers have found caring for Country improves the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as well as helping the environment.

Study indicates alarming fall in dolphin numbers
Fri, 28 Feb 2020
A study of how many dolphins are caught in tuna fishing nets estimates the mammals may now be at just 13 per cent of their numbers prior to 1980.

Australia needs to leave its tourism comfort zone
Fri, 21 Feb 2020
Australia’s tourism marketing needs to diversify for it to remain sustainable, and tapping into popular culture could be the answer.

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