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Dr Louise Floyd Publishes Her New Book

Wed, 18 Jan 2023
Categories: Staff.

Our Associate Professor of Law, Dr Louise Floyd has just published her 6th book Practical Employment Law for Thomson Reuters.

Our Associate Professor of Law, Dr Louise Floyd has just published her 6th book Practical Employment Law for Thomson Reuters.  The book deals with all the many new developments in employment law ranging from:  ChatGPT in the workplace through to the federal government's legislative reforms [Closing Loopholes; Respect@Work; and Secure Jobs Better Pay]; the High Court decisions ranging from QANTAS adverse action through to CFMMEU on contractors and casuals; and post covid issues about working from home as well as emerging public sector issues  eg public interest disclosure.

Practical employment law brochure cover.

The foreword for the book was written by Hon Justice GC Martin AM of the Supreme Court of Queensland and states:

"From the Carbolic Smoke Ball of the late 19th century to the promises and problems of artificial intelligence today, Dr Floyd takes the reader on a path of observation and analysis of Australia’s workplace law. The title – Practical Employment Law – is apt. This is a book to which both the novice and the veteran can turn to find clear and concise explanations of the many factors which make up employment and industrial law in this country.

The complex legal terrain in this area arises from both the inheritance of the English common law and the international, national, political, technological and societal changes which have been occurring, at an increasing pace, in the last half-century. That complexity is rendered comprehensible by Dr Floyd’s patient unravelling of the sources of the complexity and the reasons for the current state of affairs.

Employment law attracts a wide range of passionate views and theories. Sometimes those views are attributable more to employment “lore” than the statutes and judgments which are the real source. This book lays those views out and explains to the reader how we have reached the current position and how it might change in the future. It also recognises that the rate of change in this field has increased dramatically. This change is reflected in the way that occupational health and safety laws, anti-discrimination law and employment law are now often found to be connected layers requiring resolution in the same problem.  

The breadth of treatment of all these matters provides an asset for students and practitioners alike. This book will not sit unused on the shelf. It is going to be well-thumbed in a short space of time."

Associate Professor Floyd actually took the cover photo of the book, which is symbolic of the changes in the employment law system.


For more information about Dr Louise Floyd please visit