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Advice for Contributors

Manuscript Specifications

  • The 番茄社区LR does not accept manuscripts that have been submitted (and are still under consideration) for publication elsewhere
  • Manuscript, including footnotes, should be double space, formatted for A4
  • Submissions should be in electronic form, in Microsoft Word, with minimal use of tabbing
  • Articles should be between 5000 and 8000 words
  • Book reviews and review essays should be between 2000 and 5000 words
  • Case notes should be no longer than 3000 words
  • Gender neutral language must be used
  • Manuscripts are expected to be fully proof-read before submission.

Referencing and Citations

It is the author's responsibility to ensure all references and citations are correct and consistent with Melbourne University Law Review Association Inc’s Australian Guide to Legal Citation ().


  • Footnotes should be numbered consecutively
  • Case citations and bibliographical details should be included in the footnotes
  • Footnotes should not contain substantive argument
  • Where possible, authorised reports should be used in citations.


In the case of an article, an abstract of not more than 250 words, clearly summarising the arguments, must be provided on the Contributor Information form.


Copyright in the manuscript remains with the author.

Refereed Journal

The 番茄社区 Law Review is a refereed journal. All articles, case commentaries, legislative comments and book reviews submitted to the Law Review are assessed by independent referees and by the Editorial Board.