
番茄社区 Publication Scheme 2009 Document

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Right to Information Act 2009

Publication Scheme

About the Scheme

July  2016

About the Scheme

Welcome to the 番茄社区 Publication Scheme, a document that the University is required to produce under the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld).

The Act promotes openness and accountability by Queensland Government agencies (including Queensland universities) through the proactive disclosure of information.

What is a Publication Scheme?

A Publication Scheme is a structured list of the available significant and appropriate information that an agency holds.  It sets out the classes (or categories) of information and the terms on which the agency will make information available, including any charges.

The 番茄社区 Publication Scheme is one of the means employed by the University to enable the public to access the information it holds.  It is a comprehensive listing of the types of information available.  Relevant Web-pages are identified: many pages link to further information that may be of interest to the reader.  The Scheme is a dynamic document and is subject to change.

Also, the University encourages its units to provide, within reason, administrative access to its information, such as when responding to enquiries.  Further, any information that the University releases to satisfy a formal application under the Act (see below) is placed in its Disclosure Log for the public to access.

What information is available in the Scheme?

The classes of information, as prescribed by the Ministerial Guidelines issued under the Act, are as follows:

  1. About Us - Who we are and what we do
  2. Our Services - The services we offer
  3. Our Finances - What we spend and how we spend it
  4. Our Priorities - What our priorities are and how we are doing
  5. Our Decisions - How we make decisions
  6. Our Policies - Our policies and procedures
  7. Our Lists - Lists and registers.

Information in the Publication Scheme must be:

  • significant,
  • appropriate,
  • accurate

When will information under the Publication Scheme be made available?

Information under the University’s Scheme comprises materials that were publicly available at the edition date of the published Scheme. New or revised information will only be made available after it has received the appropriate approvals for release.

Will information be removed from the Publication Scheme?

Information may be de-listed if it becomes superseded or dated.  To be of value, the Scheme should remain relevant to the present day.

What about information not included in the Scheme?

If you are unable to locate the information you seek, whether through the Scheme, the University’s Website, or an administrative enquiry, you may lodge a request under the Act.  Any request must be made in writing in the appropriate form. There is a fee payable and charges for accessing or processing may apply (see part 3 of the ).

Making a request under the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld)

As part of its response, the University must confirm whether it holds the information requested, and either provide a copy of the information, or arrange for you to inspect the information, or give reasons why the information is being withheld.

If the University does not hold the information requested, it may transfer the application to a government agency known to hold the information. If this is the case, you will be informed.

Please note that there is a separate process (under the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld)) by which you may access, and seek amendment to, information about you that is held by the University.  ‘Personal information’ is information or an opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion.

Charges under the Publication Scheme

All information in the Publication Scheme that you access electronically is free of charge.

The information is also available to you, on request, in hard copy or in alternative formats. Within reason, information supplied in this way is generally free-of-charge.  Where provision of a document or documents would impose significant costs on the University, there may be a charge for the reasonable actual costs of providing the information.

What information won't the University make available?

The University will not make available information that is exempt unless there is a legal obligation to do so. The sets out the grounds for exemption.  For example, the deliberations by committees of Council will be taken as Confidential Business, and will not be released.

Information about the University Published Elsewhere

Information about the University is published by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) () and the Queensland Department of Education and Training.  Both bodies have publication schemes.

The University’s Right to Information Coordinator

Any enquiries, requests or complaints relating to the Publication Scheme should be sent to:

Right to Information Officer

Secretariat and Records

Office of Chief of Staff


Townsville Qld 4811


Email: secretariat@jcu.edu.au, marked ‘attention: RTI Officer’

The Information Commissioner

regulates Right to Information and undertakes external reviews.

Office of the Information Commissioner

PO Box 10143

Adelaide Street



Telephone: (07) 3234 7373

Fax: (07) 3405 1122

Email: administration@oic.qld.gov.au
