
FAQ Organic

Instruments are generally available between the hours of 9 am to 5 pm, however sequences can be set to enable samples to be run overnight.

Yes training is provided for frequent users of the instrumentation. Training is free and is normally provided during method development.

Unfortunately there is not enough room to do sample preparation in the organic laboratory.  Most preparations are done by the client off site to the AAC.

Most small molecular analysis can be preformed either by GC or LC, however each case is different and it is best to contact staff at the AAC to discuss your specific needs.

Very clean, to analyse effectively samples must be in solution and have no particulate material present in the solution.

Detection limits are compound and technique specific.  Some molecules can be detected at ppt levels others at ppm.

Depending on the compounds of interest and the type of research undertaken analytical columns may have to be purchased by the client.  The AAC have a small variety of analytical columns which, if suitable, can be used.  However for specialty separations and specific research, new columns are often required.

Other considerations include the purchase of analytical grade standards and reagents.  Standards of the compounds of interest will be required for quantitative work.  Also some compounds need to be derivatised (or reacted with another chemical to change their properties) before analysis.  These chemicals will also need to be purchased by the client.

For further information contact:

Tel: (07) 47814599

Email: advancedanalyticalcentre@jcu.edu.au