
番茄社区 Safety Training

Other HSE Training

Training available via the HSE Unit includes:

Other Work Health and Safety Training

Safety Training

Training is required/ Recommend for


番茄社区 Managers and Supervisors WHS Essentials

Academic and Professional workers with responsibility for the management or supervision of workers, studies or facilities

Practical Workshop

番茄社区 RiskWare System Use – Managing reported hazards, risk and injuries

Academic and Professional workers with responsibility for the management or supervision of workers, studies or facilities

Practical Workshop

番茄社区 Laboratory Safety Training

All 番茄社区 Laboratory Workers

Online Training Module

(under development)

Local Laboratory Safety Induction

All 番茄社区 Laboratory Workers

Laboratory Manager

Biosafety Training

All workers working with Biologicals or in an OGTR certified facility (PC1, PC2, PC3)

As per procedure

Online Training Module

Chemical Safety Training Hazardous Chemicals

All 番茄社区 workers working with chemicals

Online Training Module

(under development)

Chemwatch GoldFFX ($)

Any worker that are required to maintain Chemwatch manifests, such as Laboratory Supervisors, Technicians and Academics

External Provider Contact HSE Training and Communications Advisor

Radiation User Training ($)

Before any persons begin work with radiation or radioactive substances, radioactive isotope/apparatus

External Provider Contact HSE Training and Communications Advisor

Radiation Safety Officer Training ($)

Radiation Safety Officer

External Provider Contact HSE Training and Communications Advisor

Radiation Safety Officer Training – qualification ($)

Possession Licensee- radiation

External Provider Contact HSE Training and Communications Advisor

Dangerous goods shipping and packing training, 2 full days ($)

Persons transporting dangerous good e.g. maintenance, workshop, field and lab workers

External Provider Contact HSE Training and Communications Advisor

Hazardous Material

Containment Training

Any workers  that are required to clean up hazardous material spills,  such as Laboratory Supervisors, Technicians and Academics

External Provider Contact HSE Training and Communications Advisor

Working with Quarantine Material

Person wishing to work with quarantine material must undergo the Quarantine Approved Arrangements for Accredited Persons (QAA-AP) training for the type of facility.

External Provider Contact HSE Training and Communications Advisor

Drugs and Poisons

Any worker using S4, S7, S8, S9 Eg; antibiotics, dangerous poisons)

Online Training Module

(under development)

Health and Safety Representative (HSR)

Elected by the workgroup

External Provider Contact HSE Training and Communications Advisor

Emergency Control Organisations(ECO)


Chief Wardens

Deputy Chief Wardens

Online Training Module

First Aid ($)

First Aid Officers

(lab, workshop & field workers may require)

External Provider Contact HSE Training and Communications Advisor

RiskWare Field Trip Module

All 番茄社区 Field Trip workers

Practical Workshop

Development of  Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the workplace

Workers developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Practical Workshop

Computer Workstation Adjustments

Workers using computers and work station needs

Online Training Module

(under development)

4WD Training ($)

Workers driving a 4WD off road

External Provider Contact HSE Training and Communications Advisor

Boating and Diving

Workers Diving and/or using a 番茄社区 Boat

Contact 番茄社区 Boating and Diving Area