
VAVS Home Help Sony Projectors

Sony Projectors


Townsville CBD is the first 番茄社区 venue to use the Sony VPLFH36W LCD projector. The collaborative space on the 3rd floor have two ceiling mounted Sonys for the benefit of staff and students.

sony projector

Some of the valuable user and maintenance features of this type of projector are:

  • Full-HD resolution (1920x1200 pixels)

  • 5,200 lumens of brightness

Indicator lights during normal operations.

In the event of a projector failure, please take note of the indicator lights located at the front end of the projector and contact support.

Lights shownStatus
Steady redThe projector is in Standby mode
Green flashesThe projector is ready to operate after having been turned off
The lamp cools after the projector has been turned of
Steady greenProjector power is on
Steady orange          Power saving mode (lamp cut off)
Red flashesProjector is faulty.
2 flashes - overheating
6 flashes - power issue: unplug the power lead; once the ON/STANDBY light goes out reapply power.