
The Zoom Invite

The Outlook Zoom plug-in enables scheduling Zoom meetings directly from Outlook

Click on the Schedule a Meeting icon in Outlook,to bring up this pop-up:

The above options are set by default

  • 1. Host Video is turned on when host joins (change if desired to off)
  • 2. Participant Video is turned on when participant joins (change if desired to off)
  • 3. Audio Options set to Both (leave as is)
  • 4. Telephone dial in numbers are by default set to Australia - click on Edit to add dial-in numbers for other countries
  • 5. Tick the Require meeting password if a password is required (usually not required)
  • 6. Tick Enable join before host - allows participants to join without the host joining the meeting. If un-ticked, the participants will require the HOST KEY which is not included in the invitation
  • 7. Mute participants upon entry (useful for meetings with a large number of participants)
  • 8. Use Personal Meeting ID - when un-ticked, Zoom will create a random Zoom ID for this meeting, one which only the invitees will know (more secure than using a personal ID).
  • 9. Record the meeting automatically - tick if recording is required
  • 10. Force include Join URL in location field - provides the link to be used for participants joining from a PC/laptop in the location field of the invitation. (something like https://jcu.zoom.us/j/640208466)
  • 11. Alternative hosts: - add the email addresses of participants to be given host privileges.

Click on the Continue button to create the invitation

ToAdd participants by their email addresses - add videoconferencing@jcu.edu.au if there are videoconference enabled rooms associated with a meeting
SubjectZoom meeting title - change as required
LocationThe link provided for participant joining by PC or laptop - if there are associated videoconference rooms booked, please provide the Booking Reference (host key) or add the participating rooms by name i.e. 17-101, A1-405 etc
Start timeChange as required
End timeChange as required
RecurrenceAdd as required (the button is in the top right section of the invite)

Please do not alter the text below the red line