
Jon Irish Aquino

Portrait of  Jon Irish Aquino

Development of redclaw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) intensive breeding techniques for commercial crayling production – Sperm technologies

completed both my MSc and BSc in Fisheries (Aquaculture) from the University of the Philippines Visayas. I previously worked with SEAFDEC-AQD, a regional treaty organization that focuses on aquaculture research on the country's endemic species. Most of my research projects were related to the domestication of mangrove crabs (Scylla sp.), blue swimming crabs (Portunus pelagicus), milkfish (Chanos chanos) and soft-shell crab farming.

Presently, I am involved in developing sperm technologies for commercial redclaw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) production. This project investigates the effect of broodstock rearing and spawning conditions on fertility and develops advanced reproductive technologies to accelerate selective breeding. Specifically, this will involve: (i) optimising methods for semen collection; (ii) developing assays to characterise sperm quality and applying these to evaluate fertility in broodstock subjected to different husbandry conditions; and (iii) establishing sperm freezing and artificial fertilization techniques.