
Theme 3 - Ecosystem science

By virtue of their equatorial location, tropical ecosystems experience high rates of insolation, and are often accompanied by high seasonal levels of precipitation. In terms of global carbon, water and energy budgets, this makes the tropical land masses the 'engine room' of the planet, with any significant changes in surface energy balances of consequence both regionally and for the earth system as a whole.

Surface temperatures are usually close to those optimal for plant growth, and soil moisture regimes are often non-limiting for large parts of the year, therefore both the natural and managed ecosystems of the tropics have potentially high rates of productivity.

Linking the carbon, nutrient and hydrological cycles both above and below ground, our work aims to improve our understanding of the major factors affecting tropical ecosystem function and resilience. To achieve this, we focus on an integration of plant and animal ecology, organismal biology, soil science, hydrology and atmospheric chemistry to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the ways climate and the mineral elements of life interact to mould observed patterns of ecosystem distribution and function in the tropical regions of the world.

Our work encompasses the study of grassland, savanna and forest ecosystems and their anthropogenic derivatives in Africa, Asia, South America and Australia. In particular, great advantage is taken of the 'living laboratory' that the complex landscapes of the Far North Queensland tropics provides, which facilitates reasonably complex experiments and ecosystem manipulation studies not possible in more remote localities of the tropics.

One key focus of our work is improved quantification of the role of tropical ecosystems in the global carbon budget. We are also interested in using this improved understanding to better predict how the ecosystems of the tropics are likely to respond to increased human pressures and  the changing climates predicted for the future.

Theme Members

  • Theme Leader -
  • Dr Kalu Davies
  • Dr Niels Munksgaard