
TARL Theses


Completed research theses by students affiliated with TARL and supervised by TARL staff and adjuncts

  • Sarah Collins (PhD, 番茄社区) Old Smithfield Township, Cairns, 1876-1879: Revealing the Material Life of a Nineteenth Century Community in Tropical North Queensland
  • Daniel England (MPhil, 番茄社区) For A Few Horses More: The Role of Domesticated Livestock in the Development of North Queensland
  • Cailey Ailsa Maclaurin (Honours, 番茄社区) Investigating People-Reef Interactions Across the Mid-to-Late Holocene Using Morphometric Analysis of Top Shell (Rochia nilotica), Jiigurru (Lizard Island Group), Northeast Australia
  • Sarah Morgan (Honours, 番茄社区) Deep Time Sea Urchin Use and Engagement on Jiigurru (Lizard Island Group, Great Barrier Reef): An Examination of Archaeological Quantification and Taxonomic Identification Protocols
  • Rossella Paba (PhD, 番茄社区) 
  • Jessica Hurst (Honours, 番茄社区) Skeletons in Boxes: Exploring Ethical Concerns Surrounding the Use of Human Skeletal Remains for Research and Teaching
  • Jaimi Kitchen (Honours, 番茄社区) The Forgotten Graves: A Closer Look into the Cemeteries of Previous Pioneer Settlements of the Kennedy District
  • Samantha Cranwell (Honours, 番茄社区) Analysing the Queensland Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003: How Effective has this Legislation been in Protecting Aboriginal Cultural Heritage?
  • Lauren Linnenlucke (PhD, 番茄社区)
  • Zachary Callanan (Honours, 番茄社区) Finding Harry: An Osteobiography
  • Jasmin G眉nther (PhD, 番茄社区) 
  • Georgina Skelly (Honours, 番茄社区) Sea-Level Change and Palaeolandscapes: Investigating Submerged Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in Trinity Bay, Far North Queensland
  • Tate Devantier-Thomas (MPhil, 番茄社区)
  • Olivia Arnold (MSocSci, 番茄社区) The Rock Art of Lizard Island: A Preliminary Study of Dingaal Rock Art
  • Robyn Blucher (Honours, 番茄社区) Diet and Mobility in Prehistoric Mainland SE Asia: A Stable Isotope Study
  • Joshua Connelly (Honours, 番茄社区) Holocene Technological Provisioning Strategies on the Eastern Hamersley Plateau, Western Australia
  • Jason Hunter (Honours, 番茄社区) Stanton House Excavations: The Emergence of a North Queensland Identity in Colonial Australia
  • Joshua Neilson (Honours, 番茄社区) Challenging Typologies: An Investigation into Stone Adze Typologies of SE Asia
  • Philip Torcato (Honours, 番茄社区) Pre Khmer-Empire Exchange Routes: Linking Cambodia and NE Thailand
  • Helen Ball (Honours, 番茄社区) A Pottery Rim Form and Petrographic Analysis at Dvaravati in Northeast Thailand in the Proto-Historic Period: Technologies and Culture Transfer from Central and North Thailand seen in the Archaeological Ceramics
  • Daniel England (Grad. Dip., 番茄社区) Living Next Door to Alice: An Archaeological Examination of the Role a Landscape Played in Connecting Townsville to Riches and the Effect on Regional Identity
  • Redbird Ferguson (Honours, 番茄社区) Insights from the daily grind: examining grinding tools from Late-Lapita settlement on Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga
  • Sarah Slater (MSocSci, 番茄社区) Novel Shell Site Expressions: Archaeological Mud Shell (Geloina expansa) on Kaiadilt Country, South Wellesley Islands
  • Tanya Drury (Honours, 番茄社区) Geochemical and Technological Approaches to Understanding the Manufacture and Distribution of Silcrete Artefacts in the South Wellesley Archipelago, Gulf of Carpentaria
  • Tim Russell (Honours, 番茄社区) Submarine Squatters on the North Queensland Coast: An Archaeological Study of Commercial Dugong Fisheries Utilising a Seascape Approach
  • Sandra Boswell (MSocSci, 番茄社区) Laos Decorated Terracotta Pottery from Lan Xang Period: What Can the Decorative Symbols Tell Us?
  • Sarah Collins (Honours, 番茄社区) Scratched Surfaces: Dialogic Remains of Tangible and Ephemeral European Inscription across the Palimpsest Landscape of Sweers Island
  • Graeme Cotter (Honours, 番茄社区) Trampling Pots and Shells: Understanding the Impacts of Trampling on Cultural Materials in Coastal Archaeological Sites
  • Holly Gill (Honours, 番茄社区) The Organic Technologies of Vilabouly: A Study on Prehistoric Basketry in an Upland Mining Community, Laos, Southeast Asia
  • Peter Griffin (Honours, 番茄社区) How was Copper being Smelted at the Vilabouly Complex in Prehistory?
  • Samuel Lansdown (Honours, 番茄社区) The Significance of Xieng Khouang Province during the Laotian Lan Xang Period (1354-1707 CE): An Excavation at Wat Ban Vieng
  • Owen Ray (Honours, 番茄社区) The Mining Cultural Landscape of Zillmanton Mine, Far North Queensland: A Mine-Scape Explored
  • Anna Kreij (MSocSci, 番茄社区) A Spatial Analytical Approach to Indigenous Fishtraps: Using High-Resolution UAS Photogrammetry and GIS in the Investigation of Kaiadilt Aboriginal Stone-Walled Intertidal Fishtraps, Gulf of Carpentaria [Awarded Richard Brookdale Scholarship] [Awarded AACAI Student Support Fund Award] [Awarded the Tropical Archaeology Research Laboratory Prize] [Awarded the Academic Medal]
  • Markus Zuercher (MSocSci, 番茄社区) Lost But Not Forgotten: The Application of Multidisciplinary Methods for Locating Unmarked Graves at Pentland (QLD) Cemetery
  • Alison Fitzpatrick (Honours, 番茄社区) Stone Arrangements in the Lizard Island Group: A Study of Indigenous Seascapes in Northeastern Australia [Awarded the Tropical Archaeology Research Laboratory Prize]
  • Karen Thornton (Honours, 番茄社区) Gender and Agency: Organising Principles when Investigating Objects in the Archaeological Record
  • Lauren Whiteford (Honours, 番茄社区) Contextualised Case Studies of Individuals from Prei Khmeng: Life and Society Change in Northwest Cambodia
  • Samantha Aird (Honours, 番茄社区) Assessing Mid-to-Late Holocene Predation of Conomurex luhuanus and Tectus niloticus at Lizard Island, Northeastern Australia [Awarded Richard Brookdale Scholarship] [Awarded the Tropical Archaeology Research Laboratory Prize]
  • Felise Goldfinch (Honours, 番茄社区) Of Bananas and !Shields: Rock Art in the Townsville Region
  • Emily Holt (Honours, 番茄社区) The Climate and Depositional Setting of Australopithecus sediba at Malapa, South Africa
  • Ashlee Litfin (Honours, 番茄社区) A Minero-Petrographic Study to source the Manufacture and Distribution of Stone Bangles found at Ban Non Wat, Thailand
  • Catherine Livingston (Honours, 番茄社区) Who were the people of ancient Vilabouly? Exploring origins and relationships through the study of Ge
  • Emma Rehn (Honours, 番茄社区) An Analysis of the Risk Hypothesis and its Application to Hunter-Gatherer Toolkits Using an Australian Dataset
  • Samuel Ward (Honours, 番茄社区) Hidden Landscape: The search for Chinatown in Townsville
  • Katherine Cameron (Honours, 番茄社区) Periphery to Centre: Social and Cultural Change over Time at Ban Non Wat, Northeast Thailand
  • Catherine Hays (Honours, 番茄社区) Exchange of Items or Ideas? Current Implications of the Torres Strait Pottery
  • Texas Nagel (Honours, 番茄社区) Using Foraminifera to Refine Understandings of Archaeological Site Formation Processes: A Case Study from Thundiy, Bentinck Island, Southern Gulf of Carpentaria [Awarded Ironbark Heritage/AACAI Student Support Fund Award] [Awarded Association for Environmental Archaeology John Evans Undergraduate Dissertation Prize] [Awarded the Tropical Archaeology Research Laboratory Prize]
  • Annette Oertle (Honours, 番茄社区) Connections across the Sea: Characterising Macassan Activities in the South Wellesley Islands, Gulf of Carpentaria
  • Grace Tipping (Honours, 番茄社区) Communities and Archaeology in a Postcolonial World
  • Cameo Dalley (PhD, The University of Queensland) An Ethnoarchaeological Investigation of the Social Factors Shaping the Marine Subsistence Strategies of Lardil and Kaiadilt Aboriginal People of the Wellesley Islands, Gulf of Carpentaria
  • Jane Hinton (Honours, University of Queensland) Using Archaeological Shell Assemblages for Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction: Preliminary Isotope Analysis of Polymesoda (Geloina) coaxans (Gmelin, 1791) from Bentinck Island, Gulf of Carpentaria [Awarded The Blue Mountains Honours Prize in Archaeology]
  • Stephen Nichols (PhD, The University of Queensland) Public or Perish: An Ethnographic Study of Archaeology in a Southeast Queensland Community
  • Daniel Rosendahl (PhD, The University of Queensland) The Way it Changes Like the Shoreline and the Sea: The Archaeology of the Sandalwood River, Mornington Island, Southeast Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia
  • Brent Taylor (Honours, 番茄社区) Memorialisation of War: Ban Dong Soen, Savannakhet Region, Laos: Vietnam Battle Site Museum
  • Antonino Tucci (Honours, 番茄社区) Uncovering an Ancient Occupation: A Study of Social Organisation at the Khanong Iron Age Copper Mining Site Located at Sepon, Laos
  • Luke Keogh (PhD, The University of Queensland) The Storied Landscape: A Queensland Collection
  • Karen Murphy (PhD, The University of Queensland) Domesticity and Industrialism at Mill Point
  • Owen Powell (PhD, The University of Queensland) Warrego Country: Water, People, Landscape
  • Camille Tanner (Honours, 番茄社区) Defining Archaeological Correlates for Social Complexity: Three Sites in Thailand
  • Lansdown, S. 2016 The Significance of Xieng Khouang Province during the Laotian Lan Xang Period (1354-1707 CE): An Excavation at Wat Ban Vieng. Honours thesis, 番茄社区.