
番茄社区 Support Postgraduate Student Resources

Postgraduate Student Resources

This group provides an opportunity for:

  • Exploring writing styles and techniques
  • Discussing theoretical frameworks and thesis arguments
  • Sharing bibliographical references, and
  • Discussing strategies for completion and what is required in a thesis.

In particular, PhD and Research Masters Students at the chapter-writing stage of thesis completion are encouraged to attend these group workshops, however the group will benefit research students at any level and at any stage of completion.

The aim of the workshops is for postgraduate students to develop an interdisciplinary collegial network and to read and comment on chapter drafts as works in progress. Dates and times of meetings to be advised.

For further information, contact the Graduate Research School Academic Support Coordinator.

Library Searching, Endnote, Writing and Publishing, Presentations, Web Design, Statistics and more. These workshops are held at both Townsville and Cairns.

For further information, visit the Graduate Research School website.

Download PDF PowerPoint presentation by Dr Jan Wegner.

Information, services and support relating to postgraduate study at 番茄社区.

Visit the for further information.

The ASGS is a service organisation for Postgraduate Students.

Their website includes a selection of helpful articles on thesis writing.

The fIRST website was developed by the fIRST consortium of universities. The members' site provides access to a range of resources which can be used by supervisors, research degree co-ordinators, supervision developers and students from member universities.

Resources available include online activities, workshop guides and resources, tools for use by supervisors and students, bibliographies and links to further supervision resources and information.

To access the fIRST website you will need the University's login name and password. Contact the Graduate Research School to acquire access.