
Types of sanctions

There are a variety of different sanctions that may apply to you at some point throughout your degree. A summary of these different types of sanctions and an explanation of what these mean can be found below.

NameDescriptionStudent TextWhat does it do?
ACIAcademic Integrity ModuleYou have outstanding Academic Integrity Modules in Learn番茄社区.
  • Withholds student results
JCR番茄社区 Respect ModuleYou have an outstanding 番茄社区 Respect Module to complete in Learn番茄社区.
  • Withholds student results
FEE-HELP Balance FlagFEE-HELP Balance Below 40%You have less than 40% of your maximum Fee Help entitlement remaining. If studying a tuition fee paying course, you may not be eligible to defer payment of further fees for that course.  Contact the Student Centre for more information. This sanction does not currently apply if you are admitted to a Commonwealth Supported place, but will remain on your record in case of future study.
  • Warning - prevents Study Plan Amendment
  • Other restrictions may have been made to the student’s record if close to the maximum entitlement.
Learn番茄社区 Access DisabledLearn番茄社区 Access DisabledYou have been sanction because you either have an overdue debt or you have not provided proof of your Citizenship or Residency. Contact the Student Centre if you have an overdue debt. Provide proof of citizenship or residency to studentfinance@jcu.edu.au.
  • Prevents graduation
  • Withholds academic transcript
  • Withholds student results
  • Prevents Learn番茄社区 access
  • Prevents results transmission (ARTS)
Requires Proof of Aust Cit or Perm ResRequires Proof of Australian Citizenship or Permanent ResidencyEvidence of Australian Citizenship or Permanent Residency has not been provided. Email a scanned copy of your Australia passport ID page, Australian Citizenship Certificate or Permanent Residency Visa approval to studentfinance@jcu.edu.au.
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Withholds student results
Restrictions by Director of SSDRestrictions applied by the Director of Student ServicesEmail the Student Centre at enquiries@jcu.edu.au.
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Prevents graduation
  • Prevents offer
  • Prevents admission
Student Misconduct Uni ExclusionPrevents enrolment and graduation of students excluded from the University for student misconduct reasonsEmail the Student Centre at
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Prevents graduation
  • Prevents offer
  • Prevents study plan amendment
Student Misconduct Uni SuspensionPrevents enrolment and graduation of students suspended from the University for student misconduct reasonsEmail the Student Centre at
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Prevents graduation
  • Prevents offer
  • Prevents study plan amendment
Temporary Enrolment HoldTemporarily prevents enrolment for students affected by course structure changes.Contact enrolments@jcu.edu.au. Your study plan needs to be reviewed before you can enrol in any future subjects.
  • Prevents enrolment via eStudent
Professional Experience PlacementProfessional Experience Placement Requirements not met.You have failed to provide all your Pre-Placement Documentation to the Professional Placement Unit.
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Prevents graduation
  • Withholds academic transcript
  • Withholds student results
  • Prevents undertaking placement
  • Prevents completing the subject relevant to the placement
Academic ExclusionPrevents enrolment of students excluded for academic reasonsYou have been excluded from a course for unsatisfactory academic performance and you will not be permitted to continue study in this course, nor transfer to a course with the same inherent requirements. This sanction is applied to a specified course and will not prevent you from applying for other courses, other than those with the same inherent requirements. Students who receive notification of conditions or notification of suspension or exclusion from a course have the right to appeal in accordance with the Student Appeals Policy and Appeal of Academic Progression Outcome Procedure.
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Prevents offer
  • Prevents study plan amendment
Academic SuspensionPrevents enrolment of students who are suspended for academic reasonsYou have been suspended from your course for a period of 12 months for unsatisfactory academic performance. Once this period has passed, you are permitted to continue in your admitted course. This sanction is applied to a specified course and will not prevent you from applying for other courses. Students who receive notification of conditions or notification of suspension or exclusion from a course have the right to appeal in accordance with the Student Appeals Policy and Appeal of Academic Progression Outcome Procedure.
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Prevents study plan amendment
  • May prevent student scholarship payment.
Exam - Photographic IDFailure to present photographic ID at examination.Contact the Student Centre.
  • Prevent results transmission (ARTS)
GPA Warning Must pass greater than 50% in each teaching periodYou must pass greater than 50% of completed credit points studied in each enrolled teaching period to improve your course GPA above 2.50 or you will be suspended/excluded from your course.
  • Warning - progression conditions
Pass core subjectMust pass failed core subject at next attempt.You must pass the next attempt of the failed core subject or you will be suspended/excluded from your course.
  • Warning - progression conditions
Restricted EnrolmentCannot change enrolment without permissionContact enrolments@jcu.edu.au.
  • Prevents study plan amendment
Student Debtor - Exam Admin FeeUnpaid Examination Administration FeeContact the Student Centre to make payment for an examination that has been arranged to sit off-campus.
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Prevents graduation
  • Withholds academic transcript
  • Withholds student results
  • Prevents results transmission (ARTS)
Appendix 3 subject failMust pass first attempt of all future year levels listed in Appendix 3.You must pass your first attempt of all future year levels listed in Appendix 3 or you will be excluded from your course.
  • Warning only - progression conditions
Return Security Card to Brisbane CampusPrevents graduation and access to results until Security Card is returned to Brisbane CampusYou must return your Security Card to the Brisbane campus immediately.
  • Prevents graduation
  • Withholds academic transcript
  • Withholds student results
  • Prevents results transmission (ARTS)
ATO Tax File Number MismatchATO Tax File Number MismatchATO Tax File Number Mismatch sanction is applied when the student's name, personal details or TFN listed with 番茄社区 do not match with records held by the Australian Tax Office. Applicable students are emailed instructions on how to update their personal details with either the ATO or 番茄社区.  If not corrected by the required date (28 days after census date), the student will be withdrawn from their enrolment, unless they have made upfront payment, as they cannot defer their fees.
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Prevents graduation
  • Withholds academic transcript
  • Withholds student results
  • Prevents results transmission (ARTS)
  • Prevents deferral of student fees
Breach of Sponsorship TermsBreach of Sponsorship TermsBreach of Sponsorship Terms when payment has not been received from a sponsor.  This sanction is ended once 番茄社区 receives payment from your registered sponsor. We suggest students contact their sponsors for further information.
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Prevents graduation
  • Withholds academic transcript
  • Withholds student results
Cancellation International StudentCancellation of International Student due to unpaid tuition feesContact the Student Centre.
  • Warning - prevents enrolment
  • Warning - prevents graduation
  • Warning - withholds academic transcript
  • Warning - withholds student results
  • Prevents results transmission (ARTS)
Cancelled Commonwealth AssistanceCancelled Commonwealth Assistance due to Low Completion Rate.Contact studentfinance@jcu.edu.au
  • Prevent Government Assistance Form Approval
Intervention Plan Required

Must comply with Intervention Plan

Contact enrolments@jcu.edu.au
  • Warning – Progressions Condition
Student Debtor - COVID19 Payment PlanCOVID-19 Payment Plan for Outstanding Fees

You have been sanctioned because you have been approved for a payment plan for outstanding fees due to COVID-19.

  • Warning - prevents graduation
  • Warning - withholds student results
  • Prevents results transmission (ARTS)
  • Warning - withholds academic transcript
Student Debtor - Defaulted DebtStudent Debtor - Defaulted Debt
Payment Plan Default.
Make payment via one of the methods available. Debts are cleared the next business day after payment is made. The sanction will be lifted within 24 hours of the debt being cleared in the student system.
  • Warning - prevents enrolment
  • Warning - prevents graduation
  • Warning - prevents study plan amendment
  • Warning - withholds academic transcript
  • Warning - withholds student results
  • Warning - prevents payment by instalment
  • Prevent results transmission (ARTS)
番茄社区 Brisbane Library - non return items Non Return Items to  番茄社区 Brisbane Library. You must return your item from the Library to the Brisbane Campus immediately and pay any return fees, fines or charges.
  • Prevents graduation
  • Withholds academic transcript
  • Withholds student results
  • Prevents results transmission (ARTS)
Student Debtor - LibraryUnpaid Library late return fee, fine or charge.Make payment at the Library Service Desk. The sanction will be lifted within 48 hours of the fine being cleared in the Library System.
  • Prevents graduation
  • Withholds academic transcript
  • Withholds student results
  • Prevents results transmission (ARTS)
Student Debtor - Partner Tuition FeesUnpaid Student Tuition Fees - Partner InstitutionMake payment to your institution via one of the methods available. The sanction will be lifted once the debt is cleared.
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Prevents graduation
  • Withholds academic transcript
  • Withholds student results
  • Prevents results transmission (ARTS)
Student Debtor - School ChargeUnpaid school charge.Unpaid debt to a school or College.
Make payment via one of the methods available. Debts will be cleared the next business day after payment is made. The sanction will be lifted within 24 hours of the debt being cleared in the student system.
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Prevents graduation
  • Withholds academic transcript
  • Withholds student results
  • Prevents results transmission (ARTS)
Student Debtor - SSA FeeUnpaid SSA FeesUnpaid Student Services and Amenities Fee.
Make payment via one of the methods available. Debts will be cleared the next business day after payment is made. The sanction will be lifted within 24 hours of the debt being cleared in the student system.
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Prevents viewing of results
  • Prevents graduation
  • Prevents printing academic transcript
  • Prevent results transmission (ARTS)
Student Debtor - Student AssociationUnpaid Student Association Services Fee (Pre June 2006)Email studentfinance@jcu.edu.au to find out the amount owing. You will need to make payment before you will be able to enrol in subjects.
  • Prevents results transmission (ARTS)
Student Debtor - Student LoanUnpaid Student Loan Instalments Make payment via one of the methods available. Debts will be cleared the next business day after payment is made. The sanction will be lifted within 24 hours of the debt being cleared in the student system.
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Prevents graduation
  • Withholds academic transcript
  • Withholds student results
  • Prevents results transmission (ARTS)
Student Debtor - Tuition FeesUnpaid Student Tuition FeesMake payment via one of the methods available. Debts will be cleared the next business day after payment is made. The sanction will be lifted within 24 hours of the debt being cleared in the student system.
  • Prevents enrolment
  • prevents viewing of results
  • Prevents graduation
  • Prevents printing academic transcript
  • Prevent results transmission (ARTS)
Student Debtor - Uni AccommodationUnpaid Accommodation Debt - University Halls of ResidenceMake your accommodation payment. If the sanction has not been lifted within 48 hours of making payment please visit the Student Centre with a copy of your receipt.
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Prevents graduation
  • Withholds academic transcript
  • Withholds student results
  • Prevents results transmission (ARTS)
Student Debtor - Written Off DebtPrevious Student Debt Written OffTo clear the debt you should
- Log in to eStudent and make a payment in advance, or
- Make payment at the Student Centre front counter (or over the phone).
You must email studentfinance@jcu.edu.au with a copy of the receipt of payment, (including your student number in the email).  Once the payment has cleared to your student account, the written-off debt will be reversed and the sanction will be lifted. Student Finance are unable to reverse the written-off debt and the WOF sanction until the payment clears to the student account.
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Prevents graduation
  • Withholds student results
  • Withholds academic transcript
  • Prevents results transmission (ARTS)
Tax File Number PendingStudent has submitted Unique Reference Number of TFN request and is required to provide TFN within 28 days of first subject census date.Provide your TFN within 28 days of first subject census date or your enrolment will be withdrawn.  Refer to emails from the Student Finance team.
  • Warning - prevents enrolment
  • Warning - prevents Government Assistance Form approval
USI Number MismatchUnique Student Identifier Mismatch or Not ProvidedUSI Number Mismatch sanction is if a student is yet to provide their USI Number to 番茄社区 or is applied when the student's name, personal details or USI listed with 番茄社区 do not match with records held by the USI Registry Office. Applicable students are emailed instructions on how to provide their USI or how to update their personal details with either the USI Registry or 番茄社区.  If a USI is not provided by Census Date, the student will be withdrawn from their enrolment as they cannot access Commonwealth Assistance or defer their fees, unless they are enrolled as a Domestic Fee Paying or International Student and have made upfront payment. If the student has a mismatch and has not corrected it by the required date (42 days after census date), the student will be withdrawn from their enrolment, unless they have made upfront payment, as they cannot defer their fees.
  • Prevents enrolment
  • Prevents graduation
  • Withholds academic transcript
  • Withholds student results
  • Prevents results transmission (ARTS)
  • Prevents deferral of student fees
USI Required Unique Student Identifier Required to be providedProvide your Unique Student Identifier (USI) to 番茄社区 .
  • Prevents graduation
  • Prevent results transmission (ARTS)