
Requesting requisite waiver

For some subjects, it is necessary for you to have background knowledge in a specific area, and as a result, you may have to complete a pre-requisite subject/s. If you have undertaken equivalent study or work experience elsewhere, you can apply for a requisite waiver.  Information about a subject’s pre-requisites can be found using the .

eStudent automatically checks requisite requirements for subjects and this may block your subject enrolment/s. If you feel you meet the requirements, you can apply for a requisite waiver.  You can do this by selecting: My Study Plans > Requisite Waivers

  • To request a new wavier, click on My Study Plans > Requisite Waivers

Screenshot showing My Study Plans Requisite Waiver link.

  • Select the Request a Requisite Waiver button
    Screenshot showing Request a Requisite Waiver button.

  • Enter the code or name for the subject you wish to request the waiver for or search for it. For help on this please refer to Wildcarding and searching

  • Select the Search button Screenshot showing Subject Code  and Subject Description fields and Search button.

  • Select the Request Waiver button next to the applicable subject

    Screenshot showing list of subjects with Request Waiver button displayed in left hand column.

  • Enter your campus and reason for requesting the waiver. Your request is submitted via email and your reason is attached. This information is used by the Course Coordinator to assess whether or not the waiver should be granted.

    Screenshot showing Reason field and warning to advise text must be less than 256 characters.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Reason text must be less than 256 characters or you will encounter an error.

To be granted a waiver you must supply an explanation to the Subject Coordinator about why you meet the requirements of that subject and should not have to complete the pre-requisites.

You may be required to provide further documentation before the waiver can be granted.

  • To submit the waiver request click on the Submit button

  • Screenshot showing Submit, Select a Different Subject and Cancel buttons.